新概念英语一 l.pptxVIP

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Good morning!;看这个三角是直立的,还是平放的?;你看到很多鹰的头像, 你又能看到中间骑马的印第安人吗?;1.Can you m___ the tea? Of c_____, I can. 2.There are some in the c_______. 3.The blackboard is b______ the teacher. 4.My old dress is o___ t______. 5.The driver is in the f_____ of the bus.? 6.See you the day a_____ tomorrow.;1.Helen is _______(look) for her pencil case. 2.Does Miss Li like ______ (grow) flowers? 3.Jim and I _____(be) in the different _______(school). 4.The computer room is on the ______(three) floor. 5.They __________ (want) to take some photos.;1、There is some _____ over there. A. women B. books C. housewives D. coffee 2、There isn’t ____ tea now but there is ____ juice. A. any,any B. any,some C. a,some D. any,a 3、What can you see in the kitchen? A. A dressing table B. A wardrobe C. A kettle D. A bookcase;4、There __ some teapots but there__ any tea in them. A. are,isn’t B. isn’t,are C. are,is D. aren’t,is 5、Give ___ that newspaper please. A. you B. they C. me D. my 6、Jean is running __ the garden and Jack is sitting ___ the tree. A. after,under B. in,across C. after,across D. across,under;Yesterday Ella had received a letter from my good friend in Xinjiang. I am so happy ,but when I opened it , I found that I cannot understand a word , Do you know why ? Today I will tell you a story about the letter , let’s see it .;书写规则: (1)单数名词+“’s”,若复数名词词尾无“s”,也+ “’s”。 例: children’s day (2)若名词有复数词尾又是s, 只加“ ’ ”。 the students’ teacher the workers’ boss ;(3)复合名词,“’s”加在最后。 my mother-in-law’s home 我岳母/婆婆的家 father-in-law 岳父,公公 mother-in-law婆婆;岳母 sister-in-law小姑;大姑;小姨子;大姨子 嫂嫂;弟媳 妯娌;丈夫的嫂子;丈夫的弟媳 brother-in-law内兄,内弟;大伯,小叔 姐夫,妹夫连襟;丈夫的姐夫,丈夫的妹夫 son-in-law女婿 养子 daughter-in-law 儿媳;letter; ★ can 能够 ---Can you make the tea? ---Can you be my girlfriend? 过去式could, 表请求时,语气更委婉些 ---Could you help me, please?;★ boss n. 老板,上司 boss



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