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苏果超市物流配送模式及策略研究 摘要 随着中国连锁企业的快速发展,连锁企业间的竞争日渐激烈,苏果超市作为 有着成熟规模经营和运作经验的大型超市, 它的核心竞争力是物流技术。苏果超 市建立的大型物流配送中心完全是为自身发展需求所量身定做的。 但是,正如其 他企业不能十全十美一样,苏果超市在物流配送模式上也存在一定的弊端, 本文 从苏果超市的建成成本和投资风险、配送规模、供应链设置、员工素质等各个方 面综合分析,找出了苏果超市有待提高的各个环节,并结合实际情况,研究出了 诸如提升配送服务、降低配送成本、完善供应链体系、提高内部员工素质等方面 的具体策略,力求能够达到充分地利用现有的物流配送资源的目的, 最终使其实 现规模经济,以从中获取更大的社会效益。 关键字:物流;配送模式;策略研究 Abstract With the rapid development of Chinas chain, chain enterprises between the increasingly fierce competition, suguo supermarket as a mature scale management and operation experience of large supermarkets, it is the core competitiveness of logistics technology. Suguo supermarket set up large-scale logistics distribution center is fully tailored to their own development needs. But, like other companies do not perfect, suguo supermarket also has certain drawbacks on logistics distribution mode, this article from suguo supermarket building cost and risk of investment scale, distribution, supply chain, quality of employees, and other comprehensive analysis, find out the suguo supermarket needs to improve each link, and connecting with the actual situation, developed such as promotion and distribution services, reduce distribution costs, improve the supply chain system, improve staff quality, etc, the specific strategy, strive to achieve full use of existing logistics resources, the purpose of eventually make its economies of scale, in order to obtain greater social benefit. Key words: logistics; Distribution pattern ; Strategy research TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 一、 弓I言 4 \o Current Document 二、 苏果超市物流配送模式 4 \o Current Document 三、 苏果超市物流配送存在的问题 5 \o Current Document (一) 配送客户局限,配送规模固化 5 \o Current Document (二) 投资风险较大、建设成本高 5 \o Current Document (三) 信息平台不完善,运营效率低 6 \o Current Document (四) 供应链支持不完善,导致货源风险 6 \o Current Document (五) 员工素质不高,缺乏专业物流人员 6 \o Current Document 四、 针对苏果超市物流配送存在的问题的策略分析 7 \o Current Document (一) 降低配送成本 7 \o Current Document (二) 品类配送战略务求高效 7 \o Current Document (三) 核算体系需科学 7


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