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初中英语专题讲座 定语从句专题 Pc-1 网站版权所有 A match game 网站版权所有 Match the two sentences 1.Im reading a book. The book is about bill gates Im reading a book that/which is about Bill Gates 2. He is a teacher The teacher teaches us chinese He is a teacher who/ that teaches us Chinese 3. I dont like the man. He is smoking i don t like the man who is smoking 4. Where is the picture? You bought it last week Where is the picture that you bought last week? 內版权所有 什么是定语从句呢? 答案:在主从复合句中,修饰某 名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。 结构:先行词+关系词+句子或 关系词+句子(非限制性性定语从句) 网站版权所有 The man who lives next to us is a 先行词关系词定语从句 policeman. 网站版权所有 关系词关系代词: that, which,,who, whom, whose 关系副词:when, where,why 关系代词: 指物: that which 指人:who(主/宾格) that whom(宾格) 网站版权所有 关系代词that,whch引导的定语从句: 如果先行词是表示物的名词或代词,关系 代词应用that、 which(作主语或宾语) 网站版权所有 which/that作主语.(不能省) This is a dream The dream will never come true This is a dream which/ thabver come true (作主语) The dog has been found The dog was lost. The dog which was lost has been found Practice: 1. This is the house which is for sale 2. The book which is lying on the floor is mine 网站版权所有 which/that作宾语:(可省略) This is the card Ive just received the card This is the card which that Ive just received. (作宾语) Practice 1. This is the mistake which /that I always make 2. I still keep the letters which she wrote to me 3. I lost the pen which my father bought me 网站版权所有 关系代词who,that,whom引导的定语从 句 如果先行词是表示人的名词或代词, 关系代词应用who,that(作主语或宾语) Whom(作宾语) 网站版权所有


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