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1. 不选择照抄原文的选项,要选择要有 同义词解释的选项。 2. 不选事实细节选项 3. 不选非事实选项 4. 选概括性 / 哲理性的选项 技巧 常见问题形式 : 1. It can be inferred/concluded from the passage that ______ 2.The passage suggests/implies that ____ 3.By the first sentence of the second paragraph, the author means _____ 4. We can conclude that_________. 5. When the writer talks about..., what he really means is that_____. 6. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? 1. The writer talked about the waitress' age because he thought___________. A. she was young B. it a pleasure to make friends with her C. she was beautiful D. it strange for her to fall in love with him 2. The waitress said hello to the writer every day because___________. A. she lived near his house B. he often went to visit her mother C. she wanted to be friendly with him D. she loved him very much When the young waitress near my house started saying hello to me every day, I was very happy. She was at least fifteen years younger than I. One day she signed me to come near. When I walked over, she asked,” Are you single? “Why, yes. I answered, smiling at her happily.“So is my mother. she said, “Would you like to meet her? 1. The writer talked about the waitress' age because he thought___________. A. she was young B. it a pleasure to make friends with her C. she was beautiful D. it strange for her to fall in love with him 2. The waitress said hello to the writer every day because___________. A. she lived near his house B. he often went to visit her mother C. she wanted to be friendly with him D. she loved him very much 1. According to the messenger's answer, the visitor can conclude that_________ A. The messenger lives on the western side of the island because he tells the truth. B. the messenger lives on the


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