9A Unit7 Films Reading I 公开课课件汇总.ppt

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Hollywoods all- time best — 9A unit 7 Reading1 A topic 电影 films 要点: 1. 奥黛丽 · 赫本( Audrey Hepburn) 不仅仅在美国, 而且在世界上的其他地方都很著名; 2. 赫本生于 1929 年; 1953 年被选在电影《罗马假日》 中担任女主角,扮演年轻的公主;影片大获成功,赫本 因在该片中的这个角色而赢得了奥斯卡最佳女主角奖; 3. 她把许多时间贡献给了慈善事业;赫本于 1993 年逝世。 Audrey Hepburn is famous not only in the USA ,but also in other parts of the world. Hepburn was born in 1929.In 1953, she was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess in the film Roman Holiday .The film was a big success .Hepburn won an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in the film . She devoted much of her time to charity. Hepburn died in 1993. 1.Do you have a favourite film actor or actress ? 2.If you have one,who is your favourite actor/actress? Free talk: New Words all-time actress loss humanitrian ballet dancer charm catch ones attention insist lead adj. 一向的,空前的 n. 女演员 n. 丧失,损失,失败 n. 人道主义者 n. 芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧 n. 舞蹈者 n. 魅力 吸引某人的注意 vt. 坚持认为,坚持 n. 主角, 扮演主角的演员 New Words role base major mark play the role of princess lifetime namination final appearance n. 角色 vt. 以 …… 为基础 adj. 主要的,较大的 vt. 表明,标志 扮演 …… 的角色 n. 公主 n. 终身,一生 n. 提名 adj. 最终的,最后的 n. 出现,露面,外貌 New Words angel beyond effort pass away peacefully n. 天使 prep. 超出,除 … 之外 n. 努力,艰难的尝试 (委婉语)去世 adv. 宁静地,和平地 Work out their meanings. Circle the correct letters. 1. If someone is a humanitarian , he or she ____. a. loves animals b. protects the environment c. cares a lot about people 2. Someone of great charm ____. a. has lots of money. b. has an attractive quality c. cares a lot about people 3. If someone insists on something, he or she ____. a. speaks loudly b. cannot make a decision c. is sure to say that something is true 4. If someone plays the lead role in a film or a play, he or she is _____. a. the director b. the main character c. the leader of a group 5. If someone gets an Oscar nomination , he or she _____. a. will have the chance to win an Oscar b. will travel around the world c. should be a singer 6. If someone passed away, he or she


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