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2020-2021 年高考英语语法填空专项训练(三) Go( 围棋)is a board game for two players, in which the aim is to surround more territory than the opponent. The game 1 (invent)in China more than 2,500 years ago and is believed to be the 2 (old) board game continuously played to the present day. A 2016 survey found that there are over 20million current players, the majority of 3 live in East Asia. The playing pieces are called "stones". One player uses the white stones and the 4 , black. The players take 5 (turn)to place the stones on the vacant intersections(交叉点)of a board. Once 6 (place) on the board, stones may not be moved, but stones are removed from the board if "capture(捕获)”. Capture happens when a stone or a group of stones is surrounded by opposing stones on all points. The game goes on until neither player wishes to make another move. When a game 7 (come) to an end, the winner is determined by 8 (count) each player's surrounded territory along with captured stones and komi(贴目).A teacher might 9 (simple)the explanation by saying to a student " you may place your stone any point on the board, but if I surround that stone, I will remove 10 . " 【答案】 1. 【答案】was invented 【解析】句意:2,500 多年前,该游戏发明于中国,人们认为它是至今为止一直被玩的最古老的棋类 游戏。本题考查时态和语态。主语the game 与invent 为被动关系,故本空需用被动语态;根据时间状 语 more than 2,500 years ago 可知设空处用一般过去时,故设空处填was invented 。 2. 【答案】oldest 【解析】根据设空处前的 the 及上下文逻辑可知设空处用形容词最高级形式,故填oldest 。 3. 【答案】whom 【解析】句意:2016 年的一次调查发现目前有两千多万玩家,他们中的大多数都生活在东亚。本句 无从属连词,也无并列连词,只有一个逗号连接两个部分,由此可推知本题考查非限制性定语从句。 先行词 为players,关系词在定语从句中作介词of 的宾语,先行词指“人”且介词位于设空处之前, 故填whom 。 4. 【答案】other 【解析】句意:一位选手用白子,另外一个用黑子。 根据常识可知围棋比赛在两个选手间进行,根据本句中的One 可知设空处填other,与设空处前的the 构 成the other,表示两者中的另一方。 5. 【答案】turns 【解析】句意:选手在棋盘上的空


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