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2020-2021 年高考英语语法填空专项训练(四) Who is Li Ziqi ? For about 8 million watchers on You Tube and 23 million microbloggers on Sina Weibo, that's 1 easy question to answer. She holds an account on each of the two platforms, and uploads her videos 2 (concern)her rural lifestyle. The beauty of Li's videos 3 (root) in the revival of the ancient relationship between humans and nature. 4 (dress ) in traditional Chinese-style clothes, Li reflects the self-sufficient lifestyle of ancient Chinese people. From making paper to weaving cloth, from making a silk quilt to building her own bread oven with 5 (block), nothing seems impossible with Li's crafty hands as they work their magic to bring these things into 6 (exist). Of course, via her videos Li has spread Chinese culture to the world. She lets the world know that Chinese people love good food and are good 7 making art out of even simple raw materials. She lets the world see how Chinese people live 8 (peaceful)with nature, and it is these that have captured the hearts of her global audience. Till now Li 9 (become) one of the most successful Internet celebrities. Though being famous also means being the target of controversy, 10 is no doubt that she lets the world know and love Chinese culture. 【答案】 1. 【答案】an 【解析】句意:李子柒是谁?对于大约800 万YouTube 用户和2,300 万新浪微博用户来说,那个问题很容 易回答。本题考查冠词。设空处后的question 在本句中表泛指且easy 的读音以元音音素开头,故填an 。 2. 【答案】concerning 【解析】句意:她在两个平台上都有账户,并上传了她关于农村生活方式的视频。考查介词。设空处表 示“关于”,根据提示词可知设空处填介词concerning 。 3. 【答案】is rooted 【解析】句意:李的视频之美源于人类与自然之间古老关系的复兴。“be rooted in... ”为固定结构,本句 介绍李子柒视频的特征,需用一般现在时,故


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