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精品文档 PAGE 学号1411070xxxx 毕业论文 题目:从文化语境的角度论语用翻译 作 者 某某某 届 别 2015届 学 院 外国语言文学 专 业 英 语 指导教师 某某某 职 称 副教授 ?完成时间 二O一五年五月 A Study of Pragmatic Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Context Mou Moumou A Thesis Submitted to College of Foreign Languages & Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature Supervised by Mr. Mou Moumou Hunan Institute of Science and Technology Yueyang, Hunan May, 2015 精品文档 Abstract With the wide application of pragmatic theories into translation practice, pragmatic translation has aroused great interest and attention from scholars all over the world. In these theories, translation is considered as an ostensive-inferential process and translators should seek pragmatic equivalence to provide a faithful target version. However, because of the differences in cultural contexts, translators are always confronted with the dilemma of providing an adequate transfer of the meanings. This thesis provides a definition of cultural context and its scope on the basis of previous studies on cultural context both at home and abroad, expounds that pragmatic translation is in fact an equivalent translation which depends on context, and points out that translation should deduce the intention of the writer and the cognition of the target readers and try to transfer the pragmatic meaning. Key words: cultural context; pragmatic translation; pragmatic equivalence; pragmatic meaning 摘 要 随着语用学相关理论在翻译实践中的广泛运用 ,语用翻译已经引起了全世界有关学者极大的兴趣和关注。相关理论认为语用等效是指导译者在翻译实践中寻求真实译文的关键 ,包括明说和暗含两方面在内的语用意义是语用等效的核心。然而由于文化语境差异的存在 ,译者往往面临着无法充分传达语用意义的困境。文章开篇以长期以来中外学者对于文化语境的研究为依据提出了文化语境的概念及其范畴 ,阐述了语用翻译是通过两门语言的对比 ,根据语境 ,尤其是文化语境 ,确定话语的语用意义而进行的一种等效翻译 ,语用翻译的实质就是语用意义的传达 ,提出了译者应当以推导说话者的交际意图和传达语用意义为根本目的 ,用译文中最贴近而又最自然的对等语将这个内容表达出来 ,以求等效。请注意:论文摘要是对整个论文的主要观点的高度概括,不是要你用一大段的话写为什么要写这篇文章,然后到最后一句话点出本文的主要观点,这是错的。摘要可以用几句话将每一主要部分的观点概括出来。 请注意:论文摘要是对整个论文的主要观点的高度概括,不是要你用一大段的话写为什么要写这篇文章,然后到最后一句话点出本文的主要观点,这是错的。摘要可以用几句话将每


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