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酒店紧急程序应对 Policy 政策 To ensure all the emergencies are promptly handled in timely manner at all times. 保证任何时间发生的紧急情况都能被及时有效地处理。 Procedure 程序 In all instances if you come across one of the incidents listed below. Inform the Telephone operator immediately who will notify the Guest Service Manager. 如果你遇到下表中所列举的任何一种情况,请立即通知话务员,她们将通知宾客服务 经理。 The Guest Service Manager will inform the respective department heads according to the attached Emergency Contact list. 宾客服务经理会根据〈〈紧急情况联络表》通知各部门领导。 In the event of a fight amongst staff, the respective department heads should be notified. 发生在员工之间的冲突,要分别通知各部门的经理。 Fire The fire alarm is the most common outbreak in the hotel; it could be a genuine or false alarm. However, when There is a call informing of the fire the following are to be noted. 火警是酒店内常见的紧急情况之一,当接到火警报警电话时: Ask the caller to state clearly which area, room number or location of the fire. 问清来电者的所在区域,房号和火灾发生的具体位置 GSC will contact the ERT directly by Walkie talkie( DM 、Duty Engineer.、 Duty Security Supervisor) 宾客服务中心用对讲机直接联系应急反应小组(值班经理、值班工程师、保安部值班 主管) GSC sent group code two times to CMT 宾客服务中心向危机管理小组发出群呼二次 The Crisis Management Team comprise of: : GM 、DGM RM MOFBS DOSM DOFB HRM FOM EH CE CSO ACSO 危机管理小组成员由以下组成:总经理、副总经理、驻店经理、财务总监、 市场销售总监、餐饮总监、人力资源部经理、前厅部经理、行政管家、总工程师、 保安部经理、保安部副经理 Waits for further instructions from Guest Services Manager or higher management. 等待宾客服务经理和酒店管理层的通知 If it is genuine fire, to call the " City Fire Department " as instructed from GM. 如确认是真实火警,根据总经理的指令立即通知消防大队 Use the Emergency No. 09 in the Hotel Communication system. 09 mean Fire Alarm in the hotel. The Communication system is used to avoid alarming guest. 在内部沟通系统内使用 09代码,09表示发生火警。使用该系统是为了避免 客人惊慌。 Note: Reference " Hotel Fire Alarm Code ” 备注:附酒店火警代码。 Bomb Threat 炸弹 If a call of bomb threat is received, the operator should listen very carefully and the following to be noted: 如果接到炸弹恐吓电话,接线员应仔细记下以下几点: Identify the sex of the caller. 来电者性别 Kind of voice of the caller 来电者的声音特征 Identifying sounds in the bac


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