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︵。︵ 英本132班 小组成员:李伟 田源 苏尔男 邢剑 孟珂瑶 张丽 ︵。︵ * What's New England Transcendentalism? The summit of American Romanticism 建立在清教观念上的浪漫主义 美国浪漫主义的顶点 ︵。︵ * Transcendentalism Transcendentalism is literature, philosophical and literary movement that flourished in New England from about 1836 to 1860. It originated among a small group of intellectuals who were reacting against the orthodoxy of Calvinism and the rationalism of the Unitarian Church, developing instead their own faith centering on the divinity of humanity and the natural world. 超验主义是从1836到1860于新英格兰发起的一场文学、哲学以及艺术运动。由于一小群知识分子反对加尔文教派和唯一神论教派理性的形式主义,他们从而提出人与自然的神圣这一信念。 ︵。︵ The belief that God is immanent in each person and in nature and that individual intuition is the highest source of knowledge led to an optimistic emphasis on individualism, self-reliance, and rejection of traditional authority. 超验主义者认为人人都有内在的神性,只有通过接触自然才能使神性与人的天性相互融合,从而超验主义十分强调个人主义、自立、拒绝传统权威思想。 The ideas of transcendentalism were most eloquently expressed by Ralph Waldo Emerson in such essays as NATURE(1836),and Self-Reliance and by Henry David Thoreau in his book Walden. 超验主义思想在爱默生的《论自然》(1836)和《论自立》以及梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》(1854)等书中表现的淋漓尽致。 ︵。︵ 02 LOREM IPSUM English authors such as Carlyle, Coleridge, and Wordsworth. 01 LOREM IPSUM romantic German philosophy 03 LOREM IPSUM Indian and Chinese religious teachings. 超验主义的来源 ︵。︵ The Transcendentalism placed emphasis on spirit,or the Oversoul, as the most important thing in the universe.超验主义认为精神或“超灵”是宇宙中最重要之物。 The Transcendentalism stress the importance of the individual.超验主义者注重个人。 The Transcendentalism offered a fresh perception of nature as symbolic of the Spirit or God.超验主义认为自然是超灵或者上帝的象征。 ︵。︵ 爱默生与《论自然》 As the leading New England Transcendentalist,Emerson effected a most articulate synthesis of the trsanscendentalist views.One major element of his philosophy is his firm belief in the transcendence of the “Oversoul”. 作为超验主义的先驱,爱默生将超验主义的观点做了一个系统的综合,其中最主要的元素就是”Oversoul”(超灵) ︵。︵ Nature---超验主义的


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