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27 2 Vol. 27, No. 2 2007 2 A CT A OPT ICA SINICA February, 2007 : 2007) 0202723 变栅距光栅实现啁啾脉冲光谱整形* 郭爱林 杨庆伟 谢兴龙 高 奇 薛志玲 李美荣 ( , 201800) : , , , 1053 nm, 6 nm , , 0. 5% ~ 84% : ; ; ; ; ; : T N243 : A Chirped Pulse Spectrum Shaping by Spatial Grating with V ariable LineSpace Guo Ailin Yang Qingwei Xie Xinglong Gao Qi Xue Zhiling Li Meirong (J oin t Laboratory on HighPow er Laser Phy si s , Shan ghai In stitu te of Opti s an d Fin e Me hani s , The Chin ese A adem y of S ien es , Shanghai 201800) Abstract: In order to take full advantage of amplifier gainbandwidth, and obtain a shorter pulse with higher power in the terminal, it is necessar to conduct a spectrum shaping before the seed pulse being injected into the main amplifier chain to compensate the effect of gain narrowing. A new method, based on the spatial grating with variable linespace for spectrum shaping of chirped laser pulse with the central wavelength at 1053 nm and line width 6 nm, is presented. The rigorous coupledwave theor is used to anal ze the characteristics of grating diffraction, and the results indicate that this method produces no phase distortion. The diffraction efficienc , as a function of the depth and period of groove, incidenct angle, and incident wavelength, is calculatedand anal zed, respectivel . With proper grating parameters, the spectrum modulation depth from 0. 5% to 84% can be achieved. Key words: laser optics; chirped pulse; spectrum shaping; variable linespace gratings; rigorous coupledwave anal sis; spatial shaping 1 , [ 4] [ 1, 2]


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