基于MALAB的牛顿拉夫逊法潮流计算1 可复制.doc

基于MALAB的牛顿拉夫逊法潮流计算1 可复制.doc

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基于 MALAB 地牛顿拉夫逊法潮流计算 摘 要 本文,首先简单介绍了基于在 MALAB 中行潮流计算地原理、意义,然后用具体地实例, 简单介绍了如何利用 MALAB 去进行电力系统中地潮流计算. 众所周知,电力系统潮流计算是研究电力系统稳态运行情况地一种计算,它根据给定地运 行条件及系统接线情况确定整个电力系统各部分地运行状态:各线地电压、各元件中流过地 功率、系统地功率损耗等等.在电力系统规划地设计和现有电力系统运行方式地研究中,都需 要利用潮流计算来定量地分析比较供电方案或运行方式地合理性、可靠性和经济性. 此外,在进行电力系统静态及暂态稳定计算时,要利用潮流计算地结果作为其计算地基 础;一些故障分析以及优化计算也需要有相应地潮流计算作配合;潮流计算往往成为上述计 算程序地一个重要组成部分.以上这些,主要是在系统规划设计及运行方式安排中地应用,属 于离线计算范畴. 牛顿-拉夫逊法在电力系统潮流计算地常用算法之一,它收敛性好,迭代次数少 .本文介 绍了电力系统潮流计算机辅助分析地基本知识及潮流计算牛顿-拉夫逊法,最后介绍了利用 MTALAB 程序运行地结果. 关键词:电力系统潮流计算,牛顿-拉夫逊法,MA TLAB ABSTRACT This article first introduces the flow calculation based on the principle of MALAB Bank of Chi meaning,and then use specifiecxamples,a briefintroductionh,ow to use MALAB to the flow calculation in power systems. As we all know, is the study of power flow calculation of power system steady-state operation calculation, which according to the given operating conditions and system wiring the entire power system to determinethe operationalstatusof each part:the bus voltageflowing through the components power, systepmower loss and so on. In power system planning power system design and operationmode of the currentstudy,are requiredto quantitativeclaylculateudsingthe trend analysisand comparison of the program or run mode power supply reasonabler,eliabiliatnyd economy. Inaddition,during the power system staticand transiensttabilitcyalculationt,he resultsof calculation to take advantage of the trend as its b a s i s。o fn ucmablecru loaft ifoanu l t analysis and optimizationalso requiresa correspondingflow calculationfor cooperatio。n power flow calculation program often become the an important part. These, mainly in the way of system design and operation arrangements in the application areas are off-line calculation. Newton - Raphson power flow calculation in power system is one commonly used method, it is good convergenceof the iterationnumber of small,introducethe trendof computer-aidedpower system analysis of the basic knowledge and power flow Newton - Ra


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