北师大版七年级下册英语课件《Unit4 Lesson12 Summer Holiday》(共42张P.ppt

北师大版七年级下册英语课件《Unit4 Lesson12 Summer Holiday》(共42张P.ppt

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学生会纳新总结范例 导语:总结是应用写作的一种,是对已经做过的工作进行理性的思考。下面就有XX为大家带来,欢迎大家阅读! 暑期过后,我们迎来了新一届的同学。xx师范学院科技学院法学社一年一度的纳新活动经过周密计划、充分准备、周密部署之后在全校范围内随即有序的展开。 院法学社是广大学生汲取法律知识,培养能力,提高法律修养,繁荣校园文化,相互交流,共同提高,促进学生全面发展的群众性社团组织。成为学校的优秀社团之一。我们主要吸收学生中对法学感兴趣有热情加入的同学,以扩大这个家庭,发挥社团的优势,培养法学社的后备力量,提高法学社影响力,让更多的人了解法学社。 我们于大一新生开学之际就开始筹备策划纳新活动,在大家的讨论,探讨之后设计好了那新总流程并确定本次纳新大致规模。然后对各位理事及部长非配任务,秘书部负责写那新活动策划方案,宣传部负责设计制作海报,财务部负责对各项纳新活动所需物品支出做出预算及购买纳新所要用的资料和物品。总之,大家各司其职,共同为纳新忙碌,进行了详细的策划和准备。 此次纳新活动于9月17日中午由社长查春兰组织。参加本次纳新的人员有会长,常务理事长,常务副理事长,各 部门部长。 Unit 4 Lesson 12 How do you want to spend your summer holiday? go travelling How do I want to spend my summer holiday? I want to go on a tour. / How do I want to spend my summer holiday? go to the beach. I want to How do you want to spend your summer holiday? study abroad. I want to How do you want to spend your summer holiday? go swimming. I want to How do you want to spend your summer holiday? go to a summer camp. I want to SUMMER CAMP How do you want to spend your summer holiday? learn English. I want to How do you want to spend your summer holiday? read lots of books. I want to How do you want to spend your summer holiday? visit friends. I want to If you go on a tour, where do you want to go? go to I want to Sanya. Where do I want to go? (in Hainan) go to I want to the Great Wall. Where do you want to go? the Palace Museum. Where do you want to go? go to I want to the Bird’s Nest. Where do you want to go? go to I want to the Terracotta Warriors. (in Xi’an) Where do you want to go? go to I want to Jiuzhaigou. (in Sichuan) Where do you want to go? go to I want to Pre-reading What type of writing (文体) is it? 1st reading Read and answer the questions. 1. What is the postcard about? 2. What places are mentioned (提及)? Tim’s summer holiday plan. the Bird’s Nest the Great Wall the Palace Museum the Terracotta Warriors Jiuzhaigou Sanya 2nd reading Read and write the dates on the photos. July 25th July 29th July 22nd August 2nd July 8th the Terracotta Warrior



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