中学生英文演讲稿《Choice in My Life》.docxVIP

中学生英文演讲稿《Choice in My Life》.docx

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中学生英文演讲稿《Choice in My Life》 Down we love fantasy, love to dream of behavior, we need to do one for the people and human progremake a difference. To our actions to prove that we have! 然而,在现实中,吸毒人数却仍然呈上升的趋势,禁毒形势依然十分严峻,更为严重的是,青少年在吸毒者中的比例居高不下,已经成为一个日益突出的社会问题。来自国家禁毒委员会办公室的数字表明,我国最近几年青少年吸毒的比例始终在吸毒人口中占80%左右。截止去年底,我国公安机关登记在册的吸毒人数为 90万,其中35岁以下的青少年占了77%,据不完全统计,16岁以下的少年吸毒人数比去年又有所增加。 Then/second, I will study English harder.During the Olympic Games ,I can communicate with the foreigh friends in english and serve for them such as to be a interpreter and show them the way, let them love beijing more from our enthusiastic help ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i‘m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is ―youth‖. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. first i want to ask you some questions: do you know what is youth? how do you master your youth? youth youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; Down we love fantasy, love to dream of behavior, we need to do one for the people and human progremake a difference. To our actions to prove that we have! 俗话说人无完人。正因为这样,我们才要不断学习、不断提高自己。如何在正视不足和缺点的前提下,采取积极的行动来弥补不足、克服缺点呢?一方面要正确和别人做比较,认识到自己在群体中处于什么样的位置,寻找以后努力的方向;另一方面要正确认识自己。不要只从不同的方面平价自己,却看不到自己的优点,老觉得“某某的学习比我好,某某的书法比我好,某某的琴比我弹得好”,而实际上每个人身上都有自己的闪光点:学习好的可能体育不如你,书法好的可能学习不如你,不要一味给自己挑毛病。既能够看到闪光点,也能够看到不足之处,对自己的认识才会全面,才能更好的取长补短。 台湾著名作家琼瑶,小时候除了语文外,其他学科成绩并不好。 just as alexander pope said: act well your part, there all honor lies. honor can be found in our every day life and belongs to you, to me and to every ordinary person. Im Lai Senhan from the University of International Business Economics. Do you know what date is it today? Today is the Olympic Date. Im so glad to stand here today to share my idea about Beijing Olympic Games together with you all. The title of my speech is: what can we do for Beijing Olympic Games? We can gain more knowledge and information f


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