河北省承德市双滦区实验中学2021届高三英语一轮复习晚练试题1 [含答案] .docVIP

河北省承德市双滦区实验中学2021届高三英语一轮复习晚练试题1 [含答案] .doc

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河北省承德市双滦区实验中学2021届高三英语一轮复习晚练试题1 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分35分) 第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Many of us have heard of the saying:everything is possible if you can just believe. But few of us really know the power of faith and perseverance. South African swimmer Natalie du Toit embodies those virtues. Du Toit,became the first swimmer to compete in both the Olympic Games and the Paralympics(残奥会)in Beijing. Although she finished 16th in the tough 10 km marathon in the able-bodied Games,she has collected three golds in the Paralympics so far. One of the most successful disabled athletes of all time,Natalie du Toit was already a promising swimmer when she lost her leg in a motorcycle accident in 2001,at just 17. “There are a lot of dark moments,”du Toit said.“There are some days when I cry. But I try to remember that better days are ahead. You just go on.” Within a few months,she was back in the swimming pool. She still competes and still succeeds. The only difference is that she has switched to longer events—from 200 m and 400 m individual medley to 800 m and 1,500 m freestyle—to make up for her loss of speed with only one leg. But she made no adjustment to her mental outlook(精神面貌). “Going out in the water,it feels as if there's nothing wrong with me. It doesn't matter if you look different. You're still the same as everybody else because you have the same dream.” She is the owner of many world records,and she also won gold when competing against able-bodied swimmers in the 1,500 m freestyle at the All Africa Games in 2007. But there is no magic recipe for success. It all comes down to hard work and determination.“She is stubborn,which is good and bad,”said her coach Karoly Von Toros.“Good for the swimming,but bad for the coach.” There is a poem that hangs on her wall that reads: The tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goals; The tragedy of life lies in not having goals to reach for. 21.Natalie du Toit is a vivid example that ____



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