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Nowadays it is more convenient and easier for people to travel to other countries. Is it a positive or negative development? Traveling to other countries has become much easier compared with before because of availability of cheap flights. I think this trend is positive. It is undeniable that International travels have negative impacts. It creates decay of local culture. Travelers, more often than not, are reluctant to immerse themselves completely in local culture, which means that local communities have to adjust to travelers’ needs. For example, some customs in dress and diet may be replaced by those of tourists’ homeland. Besides, many travelers fail to do some research before their departure and simple mistakes which can often be avoided are usually made, causing offense to local people. For example, if visitors walk around in revealing clothing in a place where the social norm is to politely cover oneself up, this is often considered extremely rude and will create cultural clash. 国际旅行有负面影响------会引起当地文化的衰败--------游客不愿完全入乡随俗---------当地社区不得不调整自己以满足游客需求-------比如,服装和饮食方面的一些习俗可能会被游客自己家乡的习俗所取代------除此以外,许多游客出发前不做调查,本该避免的简单的错误很容易冒犯当地人------比如,如果男女游客在尊崇衣着保守的社会里穿着暴露的衣服散步,这往往会被认为是极其粗鲁的表现,引发文化冲突。 decay of sth----- immerse oneself in------ adjust to------ be replaced by------ do some research, cause offense to ------ revealing clothing, social norm, cover oneself up ----- create cultural clash However, i believe that this is a positive development. Firstly, traveling is a great form of relaxation and helps people break from daily monotony. After return from vacation, they will have higher energy levels to continue with day to day activities. It is especially true for those with demanding jobs as traveling gives them plenty of time to relax and enjoy themselves to the fullest. 首先,旅行是一种很好的放松形式,帮助人们摆脱日常平淡-------旅行归来的人们会有更加旺盛的精力投入到日常活动中---------对那些工作压力大的人尤其如此, 因为旅行给人很多时间放松,尽情享乐 a great form of relaxation, break from daily monotony----- have higher energy levels to------ th



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