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成都双流终端区容量及其评估方法 摘 要 本文是基于成都双流终端区双跑道运行的现状进行分析研究。通过对双流机场的双跑道运行条件和对其终端区的具体情况分析,结合文献中的内容提出了终端区容量的基本定义,对终端区容量的基本情况进行了说明,介绍了典型终端区空域与一般管制过程的特点,分析了影响双流机场终端区容量的常见因素并对于可以进行改善的因素提出了相关建议,介绍了对终端区容量建模过程进行合理简化的基本假设和思路,并在此基础上利用概率与数理统计的算法,建立了终端区的基本容量的模型。 关键词:成都双流机场;终端区容量;终端区空域;管制过程;容量评估模型 Chengdu shuangliu terminal capacity and its assessment method Student:HanChao Instructs teacher:KongJianguo Abstract This article is based on the current situation of Chengdu Shuangliu terminal area of two runways running operation analysis. Proposed the basic definition of the capacity of the terminal area through the analysis of the double dual runway airport operating conditions and terminal area in and around the specific circumstances, combined with the contents of textbooks, described the capacity of the terminal area, a typical Terminal Area airspace and control characteristics of the process, the common factors that affect the capacity of double the airport terminal area and put forward relevant proposals for the factors that can improve the terminal area capacity modeling process reasonable simplification of the basic assumptions and ideas, and on this basis, the use of probability and mathematical statistics, algorithms, and model of the basic capacity of the terminal area. Key words: Chengdu Shuangliu airport; Terminal capacity;Airspace terminal; Control process; Capacity evaluation model 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 引言 1 1.成都双流机场运行现状分析 2 1.1双流机场双跑道运行 2 1.2成都现行的进离场程序及存在问题 4 1.2.1成都空中走廊图(如图3) 4 1.2.2成都双流机场现行进离场航线存在的冲突及问题 6 1.3双流机场周围机场对本场活动的影响 7 1.3.1双流机场周边情况 7 1.3.2周边机场对双流终端区的影响 7 2.关于终端区容量介绍 9 2.1 终端区容量的定义 9 2.1.1机场容量(Airport Capacity) 9 2.1.2机场跑道容量(Airport Runway Capacity) 10 2.1.3实际容量(Practical Capacity)和最大容量(Maximum Capacity) 10 2.2终端区空域的一般特点 11 2.3终端区空域的一般管制过程 13 2.3.1终端区高度层划分与间隔规则[2][11] 13 2.3.2终端区飞行阶段 13 2.4影响终端区容量的各种因素 13 2.5现阶段可优化的影响终端区容量限制因素 14 2.5.1增大终端区空域自由度 14 2.5.2优化空管保障系统改善管制方式 15 2.5.3提高管制员素质减小其工作负荷 16


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