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关于运动的英语对话大全关于运动的英语长对话 对话教学是小学英语课堂教学中比较普通的课型 , 它几乎涵盖了小学英语所有年级所有单元内容的英语学习。 了关于运动的英语对话,欢迎阅读 ! A :your muscles are a spectacle! 你的肌肉真健壮 ! :Thank you.Thats the result of exercise. 谢谢 , 这是锻练的结果 . B :By the way,do you work out? 随便问一句 , 你进行健身锻炼吗 ? A :No,but I am starting working out from now on. 不。不过我打算从现在起开始。 B :Fine. 太好了。 R :Youre in great shape, Keith. Do you work out at a gym? :Yeah, I do. I guess Im a real fitness freak. R :So, how often do you work out? :Well, I do aerobics every day after work. And then I play racquetball. R :Say, I like racquetball, too. :Oh, do you want to play sometime? R :Uh... how well do you play? K :Pretty well, I guess. R :Well, all right. But Im not very good. K :No problem, Rod. I wont play too hard. M :Youre really fit, Paul. Do you exercise very much? :Well, I almost always get up very early, and I lift weights for an hour. M :Youre kidding! P :No. And then I often go Rollerblading. M :Wow! How often do you exercise like that? P :About five times a week. What about you? M :Oh, I hardly ever exercise. I usually just watch TV in my free time. I guess Im a real couch potato! A :You see, the bungee participants take a deep breath when they stand at the starting spot and then, like diving, their heads are over heels and they jump off into the realm of the bination of heaven and earth The wind roars at their ears and their bodies rapidly descend. They do not even have enough time to do several gymnastic movementsand they are rebounded to the upper air by the cord. 你看,蹦极者在跳前深吸一口气,然后像跳水一样,头朝下脚朝上,纵身一跃便融入那种与天地合一的境界,耳边呼呼生风,身体急速下降,还没来得及做几个体操动作,又被绳索反弹向高空。 :Entrusting life to the care of a rope indeed requires infinite courage. 把生命寄托给一根绳索,真是需要极大的勇气。 A :A young French fellow recalled his first bungee experience and said, WhenI fastened the cord and walked to the platform,I was extremely nervous. When I looked down,I was nervous even more.If the cord had broken,I would be knocked to bake meat. However,I knew my worries were unwanted.I was afraid if


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