四年级英语上册Unit 1 Againplease教案3-冀教版三起.pdfVIP

四年级英语上册Unit 1 Againplease教案3-冀教版三起.pdf

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Unit 1 Again, please 教案 教学内容: 冀教版小学英语4A Unit1 Again, please 教学目标: 知识:1. 掌握本单元的新词汇 skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater,new, old,coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots,shoes, socks, dress, shorts,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 2. 理解句型This is a red shirt. /I like your ____. It’s nice!/Whose ____is this? Is this your ____?/What day is it? It’s Monday/Tuesday. 能力:教会学生正确地用英语描述人们的穿着。 情感:让学生在课堂教学中体会学习的快乐,敢于用英语表达自己想说的内容,发展学生综 合语言运用的能力。 教学重、难点: 重点:掌握本单元所学的新词汇skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater, old,coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots,shoes, socks, dress, shorts,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 难点:理解并综合运用句型What is he\she wearing? He\She is wearing. 教学准备: 教师词汇卡片、录音机、教学磁带 教学过程: Part1: Greeting 1. Greeting and talking about our clothes. 2. Playing the video, make students interested in their clothes and the color. Part2: Introduce This is a red skirt. I like it. These are yellow trousers. Yellow is my favourite color. This is a blue T-shirt. This is a yellow sweater. Part 3: Review 1. new or old 1) 看书上的图片,老师和学生一起读下列单词:new trousers old trousers new sweater old sweater 然后让学生说出new 和old 的中文意思。 2) 播放录音让学生看书跟读 3) 句型练习: T: (指一条裤子)What are they? Ss: Trousers. T: Yes, they are trousers. Are they green? Ss: Yes, they are green. T: Are they new? Ss: Yes. T: Yes, They are new. (领学生读这个句子) Ss: Yes, they are new. T: Are they old? Ss: No. T: No, They are … Ss: New. 4) 做《同步练习册》 2. I like your __. It’s nice. 1) 示范:告诉学生怎样用英语表达赞美。从班上选出四名同学到前面展示他们的衬衣、裤 子、裙子和毛衣。老师指着学生的衣服问: Do you like this __? 如果他们喜欢其中的某一件, 可以回:Yes, it’s nice. 练习 T: (指一名学生的衣服)What’s this? Ss: It’s a ___. T: Do you like this___? Ss: Yes. T: Yes, it is … Ss: Yes


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