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摘 要 伴随信息技术发展,各个领域“信息化”浪潮扑面而来。对于大型生产企业来说,想在日益开放市场中求得生存和发展,不管是从生产经营、市场开拓角度看,还是从企业变革和创新角度看,全部需要信息化支持和带动,这是必不可少。对于大型企业来说,信息化建设是企业构建关键竞争力基础,关系到企业未来发展,是重中之重工程。 经过对太原钢铁企业深入调查,从太原钢铁企业软硬件基础、信息化构建、信息工作步骤和信息化资金投入等方面了解太原钢铁企业现在信息化建设现实状况,并发觉其信息化建设中生产销售、生产能力和人力资源管理信息化等等方面问题,针对这些问题提出了产销一体化、生产自动化和人力资源管理信息化改善对策。 关键词:信息化;产销一体化;生产自动化 Abstract With the development of information technology, the informatization has been showed up in various fields. For enterprises, in order to survive in the increasingly open business environment and the development of both production and management, market development, change, innovation, information technology support and drive. For large enterprises, information technology is the core competitiveness of enterprises to build, in relation to the future development of enterprises, the most important works. Taiyuan Iron and Steel Company, the construction of its information technology are still many problems. The information construction safety management infrastructure and information technology capital investment from the production and marketing process, information technology atmosphere, information construction in-depth investigation of Taiyuan Iron and Steel Company, Taiyuan Iron and Steel Company information construction status quo; the system functions as well as management issues; solve these problems and put forward countermeasures to improve in these areas. Keywords: Information technology; Production Marketing Integration; automated?production 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 摘 要 I Abstract II 引 言 1 1 企业信息化介绍 2 1.1 企业信息化内容 2 1.1.1 信息化定义 2 1.1.2 企业信息化定义 2 1.2 信息化在企业中作用 3 1.3 企业信息化特征 3 2 太原钢铁企业信息化现实状况 5 2.1 太原钢铁企业介绍 5 2.2 太原钢铁企业信息化现实状况 6 2.2.1 软硬件基础条件 6 2.2.2 太钢企业信息化构建 7 2.2.3 信息工作步骤 9 2.2.4 信息化建设资金投入 9 2.2.5 信息化建设管理基础 10 3 太原钢铁企业信息化建设中存在问题 11 3.1 太原钢铁企业产销一体化中问题 11 3.2 太原钢铁企业生产自动化中问题 12 3.3 太原钢铁企业人力资源管理信息化方面存在问题 14 3.3.1 人力资源管理信息化内容不全方面 14 3.3.2 缺乏突出厂商和软件产品 15


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