(文)北京市朝阳区事业单位公开招聘问题研究(2018-03-23 19-55-41).docx

(文)北京市朝阳区事业单位公开招聘问题研究(2018-03-23 19-55-41).docx

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经典专科、本科、硕博、研究生、期刊毕业论文 仅供参考 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 北京市朝阳区事业单位公开招聘问题分析 摘要 事业单位实行公开招聘是加快推进事业单位人事制度改革的一项重要举措。事业单位公开招聘科学有序地开展,将有利于用人单位扩大选人用人视野,拓宽选人渠道,达到提高事业单位新进人员的素质、优化人力资源配置的目的。云南省公路部门多数是是服务社会和云南地方经济发展的公益类事业单位,作为国民经济的基础性产业之一,其健康发展既需要专业性强、含金量高的专业技术人才,也需要从事一线体力劳动的工勤人员。我国传统的人事管理制度是在计划经济体制下建立起来,问题突出,无法适应时代的发展和需要,制约了事业单位挑选到合适人选。2006年初,原国家人事部出台了《事业单位公开招聘人员暂行规定》,明确公开招聘制度作为规范事业单位人员招聘工作的单位入口制度,其推行不仅是适应事业单位人事制度改革的需要,更从一定程度上规避了以前事业单位进人中存在的信息不公开、程序不透明,政府监管不到位等问题,为建设高素质的事业单位人才队伍提供了重要的保障,为事业单位招聘工作注入了正能量,增强了事业单位社会服务能力。 关键词:事业单位;公开招聘;问题;对策研究 Abstract Public recruitment is an important measure to accelerate the reform of the personnel system of public institutions. Institution open recruitment and orderly conduct of science, will be conducive to unit of choose and employ persons should expand with the visual field, broaden channels, to improve the quality of new institutions, the purpose of the optimize allocation of human resources. Highway department of yunnan province are mostly is to serve the society and the social class of local economic development in yunnan, as one of the fundamental industry of national economy, its healthy development needs both strong professionalism, high gold content of the professional and technical personnel, also need to engage in physical labor those logistics personnel. The traditional personnel management system in our country is established under the planned economy system, the problem is outstanding, unable to adapt to the development and needs of The Times, and restricts the selection of the suitable candidates. In early 2006, the former state ministry of personnel issued the interim provisions on institution open recruitment staff, a clear system of open recruitment as a standard business unit personnel recruitment unit entrance system, its implementation is not only meet the needs of the institution and personnel system reform, more from a certain extent, avoid the institution into those existed before information is public, procedure is not trans


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