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PAGE PAGE 1 The word luminosity in the passage is closet in meaning to beauty visibility color brightness Watercolor is the most light-filled of all ways of painting, but its luminosity depends on the white of the paper shining through thin washes of pigment. The word mobility in the passage is closet in meaning to movement strength wetness brilliance The mobility, quickness, and transparency of water color make it an ideal means of catching the energies of both nature and the city. The phrase prone to disaster in the passage is closet in meaning to is difficult for beginner painters requires a special kind of brush easily results in mistakes tends to be unpredictable On the other hand, watercolor is prone to disaster, because one slip of the brush can turn a flowering meadow into a mud puddle. The word obstructed in the passage is closest in meaning to (A) involved (B) increased (C) developed (D) blocked Although the sensory receptors and brain pathways for taste and smell are independent, the two senses do interact. A great deal of what we consider taste is actually smell. If the sense of smell is obstructed, as by a head cold, the perception of taste is sharply reduced. The phrase accounts for in the passage is closet in meaning to explains decreases connects summarizes A water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms attached to a single, large oxygen atom. The angle between the two hydrogen atoms is 120 degrees—the same angle as the angles of a hexagon—which accounts for the characteristic six-sided structure of ice crystals. The word compile in the passage is closet in meaning to agree with put together ask about look forward to The employees who are responsible for preparing the report must have a clear understanding of how the report will be used before they compile it. The phrase split off in the passage is closet in meaning to separated borrowed evolved learned Many scholars suspect that musical and linguistic expression had common origins but then s


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