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Dormitory 麻省理工学院的校标 是一个圆形的图案。图中 铁砧旁边的劳动者和 手拿书本的学者象征着 威廉 · 巴顿 · 罗杰斯和 麻省理工学院其他创 始人在 1860 年所写 成的《理工学院的办 学目标和方案》一 文中所提出的教育 哲学: “ 为了商业利 益,为了文化本 身,也为了大众教育, 真正的文化教 育应该和工业研究很好 地结合。 ” 两人 之间的台座下面用拉丁 语写成的校训 “Mens et Manus” (既学会 用脑,也学会 动手)和台座上的三行字 “ 科学与技术 ” 也 反映了麻省理工学院知识与实 用科学相结合的观 点。台座正面上的 “ 1861 ” 表示 麻省理工学院在麻 省州注册办学的年份。 1864 年 12 月 26 日经校务委员会通过,麻省理工学院校标 正式启用。 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology is a comprehensive private university . Massachusetts 马萨诸塞州 comprehensive 综合性的 private 私立 3 The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a private research university located in Cambridge , Massachusetts . MIT has five schools and one college, containing a total of 32 academic departments (学术研究部门) , with a strong emphasis (重点) on scientific and technological research. MIT is one of the two private land-grant universities (赠地大学) and is also a sea-grant and space-grant university (联邦补助海洋大学及太空法案大学) . The Massachusetts is located in the northeast of America. Founded: Massachusetts Institute of Technology was founded by a famous natural scientist William Barton Rogers in 1861 in response to (响应) the increasing industrialization (工业化) of the United States . In 1916, MIT moved to Cambridge from Boston. Cambridge City Map of the campus (校园) 啜楮敶獲瑩?景琠敨圠牯摬 The school motto is Motto inscribed on the ring beam (环梁) The richest and most generous university ? Annual household( 家庭 年收入 ) income less than 75,000 dollars 。 ? Free tuition, matriculate rate 录取率 I hate this damn place! The nervous learning in science and engineering here is known as the pressure cooker. In the 3S - Study, Sleep , Social activities, the general MIT student can do two of them, if anyone can do all of the three, he would be called Superman. MIT students must get at least 360 credits (学分) to graduate, so they study hard every second & every where. ? students ? 钱学森 : a master‘s degree in 1936 by the Massa


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