生物新人教必修 基因指导蛋白质的合成.pptxVIP

生物新人教必修 基因指导蛋白质的合成.pptx

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基因指导蛋白质的合成1. mRNA(信使RNA) Messenger RNAs-are the nucleic acids that "record" information from DNA in the cell nucleus and carry it to the ribosomes and are known as messenger RNAs (mRNA). (功能:作为编码蛋白质中氨基酸的模板)2.rRNA (核糖体RNA)Ribosomal RNAs-exist outside the nucleus in the cytoplasm of a cell in structures called ribosomes Ribosomes are small, granular structures where protein synthesis takes place. Each ribosome is a complex consisting of about 60% ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 40% protein. (功能:核糖体的 组成结构的一部分)3. tRNA (转运RNA)Transfer RNAs-The function of transfer RNAs (tRNA) is to deliver amino acids one by one to protein chains growing at ribosomes. (功能:转运氨基酸)Translation is the process by which the genetic messages carried by mRNA are decoded and used to build proteins in the cytoplasm.(翻译是在细胞质中进行的。它是指以信使RNA为模板,合成具有一定氨基酸顺序的蛋白质的过程。)A set of three nucleotide bases on an mRNA molecule is called a codon.1.Station cytoplasm(场所;细胞质)( 模板:信使RNA)2.Templet mRNA(信使RNA上决定一个氨基酸的三个相邻的碱基叫一个密码子)(原料:氨基酸)3.Material amino acids( 产物:蛋白质)4.Products proteinsCODONCODONCODONUAAGUUCAUmRNA 1. Each codon specifies a single amino acid .For example,CGC encodes arg.(一个密码子编码一个氨基酸,例如CGC编码精氨酸) 2.大多数氨基酸有多个密码子,例如,GUU,GUA都编码缬氨酸3.AUG(编码甲硫氨酸)为起始密码子,翻译从此密码子开始,少数起始密码子为GUG4.UAA,UAG,UGA(终止密码子,不编码任何氨基酸),翻译到次终止1.Initiation AUG,GUG(起始密码子)2.Stop UAA,UAG,UGA(终止密码子)3.One codon decides one amino acid一个密码子决定一个氨基酸4. one amino acid may have many codons一个氨基酸可有多个密码子TypMetUAUAACUUGUCAUAU Protein synthesis occurs in three stages: Initiation, Elongation and Termination.(蛋白质的合成包括三个步骤:起始,延长,终止) ?1. Initiation(起始) mRNA attaches to the ribosome.(mRNA与核糖体结合)LeucineAAUA set of three nucleotide bases on a tRNA molecule is called an anticodon(反密码)DNA bases=RNA base =3 amino acidQuestions1.For the DNA strand 5'-TACGATCATAT-3' the correct complementary DNA strand is: A.3'-TACGATCATAT-5‘ B.3'-ATGCTAGTATA-5'C. 3'-AUGCUAGUAUA-5‘ D. 3'-GCATATACGCG-5'E. 3'-TATACTAGCAT-5'B2.In the Meselson-Stahl DNA replication experiment, if the cells were


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