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新目标大学英语:《综合教程》第三册 U1 ?Textbook Study Listening 1)created 2)standard of living 3)comfortable 4)enhance their career 5)means of communication 6)day-to-day purposes 7)institutes 8)devices 9)work and everyday routine 10)a click of Text B 1: 1)objective 2)People show their love to their moms online on Mothers Day. 2: 1)subjective 2)The influence of technology is admittedly an important factor, but it is also true that the Millennial Generation are more obsessed with individualism than ever. 3: 1)subjective 2)Whether the pursuit of originality is the cause or consequence of our generation ’ s alienation, the two are clearly linked and central to understanding it. 4: 1)objective 2 ) It is reported that the Millennials are more indifferent and indifferent. Writing (范文示例) How to reduce the negative effects of TV programs on children? When TV sets enter every household, different programs have played a more and more important role in children ’ s mental and physiological growth. Some programs, say, cartoons and TV specials about animal life, are very helpful. They give much fun to the children and teach them an appreciation for all life. Besides, some other programs such as science fictions can arouse children ’ s interest and encourage creativity. Even some commercials such as those on anti-smoking campaigns can help the children judge what is good and what is not in their daily life. However, some programs also have negative effects on the children. First, many commercials may create children ’s desire for unnecessary products because they don’t really know what they want. Second, spending too much time in front of TV will do harm to their eyes. Thirdly, many adult programs contain violence and sex, which are likely to lead to juvenile crimes when children grow up. Therefore, various measures should be taken to reduce TV program ’ s negative effects. Of course, parents should, first of all, limit the time that children spend on different programs. Secondly, pro


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