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返回我的课程 Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦 ! Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题: 1 分 ) Directions: In this section youll hear some short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear. 1. A. The speakers are welfare caseworkers. B. The speakers have cleaned up their apartment. C. The speakers live together and receive welfare money. D. The speakers have had their welfare payments reduced. 2. A. The man has arrived this morning from Thailand. B. The man is going to Thailand the next day. C. The man has bought some bags in Thailand. D. The man would like to take the woman to Thailand. 3. A. He cant speak the language. B. He doesnt know how to speak to native speakers. C. He sometimes makes mistakes in pronunciation and tenses. D. He have difficulty understanding native speakers. 4. A. The womans leg is broken. B. The accident was too minor to lead to a break. C. X-rays are the only way to know if there is a break. D. The womans pain is probably minor. 5. A. The man would like to do something to help people. B. The man would like to do something to get rich. C. The man thinks the woman should do something to make her rich. D. The man thinks the womans new job is good. 6. A. Waking up and rolling out of bed. B. Being near all his favorite things. C. Meeting people from all over the world. D. Staying near his classroom. 7. A. Brother and sister. B. Teacher and student. C. Father and daughter. D. Mother and son. 8. A. Brother and sister. B. Mother and son. C. Father and daughter. D. Teacher and student. Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations  ( 每小题  : 1  分 ;  满分:  8  分 ) (In the case of True/False type of questions,  A stands for True and  B for False, or  A for Y,  B for N and C for NG.) 小 得  对  学生答案  Correct 题 分  错 1.  C 2.  B 3.  C 4.  C 5. D 6. D 7. B 8. A Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦 ! Part 2 Understanding Long Co


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