史上最完整 动词不定式的用法课件.ppt

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1. 动词不定式 的用法 1. 作主语 2. 作宾语 3. 作定语 4. 作表语 5. 作宾补 6. 作状语 动词不定式 2. 动词不定式的时态和语态 3. 巩固练习 1 1. 动词不定式作主语 动词不定式作主语,谓语动词用第三 人称单数 。 To get there by car will take a whole day. How to get enough money is still a question . 2 1. 动词不定式作主语 有时候为了保持句子平衡,常用 it 作形式主语,放到句首,而将作真 实主语的动词不定式放到句末。 It will take a whole day to get there by car. It is impossible for me to finish the work in a week. 3 2. 动词不定式作宾语 动词不定式作宾语常用于下列动词后: want, agree, decide, manage, wish, hope, ask, like, love , choose, promise, continue, plan, learn, expect, offer, prepare, refuse, pretend, attempt, intend, threaten, seek, hesitate, long, desire, fail 等 等 。 4 动词不定式作宾语应注意的问题 1 . 有些动词后跟动词不定式和动名词 作宾语意义截然不同 try, go on, stop, mean, regret, remember, forget 等 5 try to do sth. 尽力去做某事 try doing sth. 试一试,试试看 Try knocking at the back door if nobody hears you at the front door. Try to get there on time. 6 forget to do sth. 忘了去做某事 forget doing sth. 忘了做过某事 I forget telling her about it I forget to bring the purse with me when I left home this morning. 7 remember to do sth. 记住去做某事 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事 I remember reading the story in some book. Remember to post the letter for me when you go to the post office. 8 动词不定式作宾语应注意的问题 2. 如果不定式作宾语而后面又有一个 宾语补足语,这时要用 it 作形式宾语 而把这个动词不定式放到补语后。 I feel it my duty to help you. I once thought it impossible for us to finish the job in such a limited time. 9 3. 动词不定式作定语 动词不定式作定语,它与所修饰的名 词或代词可能是主谓关系,也可能是 动宾关系。如果是动宾关系,不定式 主动表示被动。 He was the last one to leave school yesterday . We have much homework to do everyday. 10 4. 动词不定式作表语 1 .主语和表语都是不定式(其含义 往往一是条件,一是结果),如: To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people. To do that would be to cut the foot to fit the shoe. 11 2 . 主 语 是 以 aim, duty, hope, idea, intention, mistake, plan, proposal, job, suggestion 等为中心词的名词词组,或以 what 引导的名词性从句表示,表语用不定 式说明其内容,如: My idea is to climb the mountain from the north . My suggestion is to start work at once . What I would suggest is to start work at once . 12 注 :在某些句型中,当主语部分有动作 动词 do 时,


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