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Lesson 33Out of the darkness New wordsdarkness n.黑暗shore n.海岸explain v.解释 light n.灯光coast n.海岸ahead adv.在前面storm n.暴风雨cliff n.峭壁towards prep.向 struggle v.挣扎rock n.岩石hospital n.医院darkness1.n.黑暗Eg: 1)我们在黑暗中看不起房屋。 We couldn’t see the houses in the darkness. 2)房屋一片漆黑. The room was in darkness.构词:adj+ness → n dark darkness 黑暗 careful carefulness 仔细 goodgoodness 仁慈 carelesscarelessness粗心 brightbrightness 明亮explain1.v.①说明 ② 解释,辩解Eg: 1)解释这个名词的含义 Explain what this word means. 2)你能解释一下你为什么迟到吗? Can you explain why you were late?搭配: explain away (把过失,怀疑等)搪塞过去 explain oneself 说明自己的意思/动机 explain … as… 把…解释成…辨析:explain ~ interpret1.都含有“解释”的意思2.explain 指解释不明之事,interpret侧重用特殊的知识,信念,判断,了解去阐明特别难懂的事情Eg: 1)He is explaining how a machine operates. 2)How do you explain this poem?coast1.n. ①海岸,海滨 ②岸边,岸线 ③the Coast美国太平洋沿岸Eg:海滨城镇 a town on the coast辨析:coast,shore,beach,bank →→ →→ →→ →→ 范围渐渐变小辨析:coast 邻近海的比较宽阔或狭长的地域 We live on the coastshore湖或者海的边缘或水边的狭长陆地,比coast范围小 She swam to the shore.beach(shore的倾斜部分)往往在涨潮时候被漫过 The little beach hotel has a pleasant environment.bank河岸 The trees on the bank of the river are very big.storm1.n. ①暴风雨 ②感情的激烈爆发Eg: 1)在暴风雨中横渡海峡 cross the Channel in a storm 2)一阵弹雨 a storm of bullets(子弹)3)一阵暴风雨般的掌声 a storm of applause4)我们应该经风雨,见世面 We ought to face the world and brave the storm.5)雨过天晴,否极泰来 After a storm comes a calm. 搭配: be caught in a storm 遭遇暴风雨 storm in a teacup 小题大做 take by storm 突然巧夺联想: a rainstorm 暴风雨 a snowstorm 暴风雪 a duststorm 沙尘暴 a brainstorm 头脑风暴,集体讨论rockn.①岩石,大石头② 摇摆 ③摇滚乐 v.①摇摆 ②震动Eg: 1)山脉是由岩石组成的. Mountains are made of rock. 2)当我走到船的一边时,船摇晃了 When I stepped onto the side of the boat,it rocked.3)总统的死震动了全国 The President’s death rocked the nation.搭配:as firm as a rock 屹立不动的,值得信赖的rock the boat 破坏团体的合作light1. n. ①光 ②引火物 ③为人所知的情况 ④方面,见解Eg: 1)白天太阳给我们光亮 The sun gives us light during the day. 2)在电视塔上,我们能看到南京的灯火 From the TV tower,we can the linghts of Nanjing.3)能借个火吗?Can you give me a light,please?Come to light 显露,出现To look at the matter in a new light 以新见


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