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适合小学二年级阅读的经典英语短文 乌龟和老鹰 The Tortoise And The Eagle A Tortoise, discontented with his lowly life, and envious of the birds he saw disporting themselves in the air, begged an Eagle to teach him to fly. 一只乌龟,不满足于自己的地面生活,很羡慕鸟儿能在空中玩耍,于是便请求老鹰教他飞翔。 The Eagle protested that it was idle for him to try, as nature had not provided him with wings; but the Tortoise pressed him with entreaties and promises of treasure, insisting that it could only be a question of learning the craft of the air. 老鹰劝她,这是他的一个白日梦,因为大自然并没有赋予他能够飞翔的翅膀。不过乌龟再三恳求,还用珍宝利诱老鹰,一再坚持这仅仅一个了解如何在空中飞翔的问题。 So at length the Eagle consented to do the best he could for him, and picked him up in his talons. Soaring with him to a great height in the sky the then let him go. And the wretched Tortoise fell headlong and was dashed to pieces on a rock. 于是,老鹰为了满足乌龟的愿望,一把抓住他,带着乌龟飞到一定高度后,就松开了鹰爪,而乌龟则落在了岩石上,被摔得粉身天碎骨。 【篇二】 鹰与捕鹰者 The Eagle and his Captor A Man once caught an Eagle, and after clipping his wings turned him loose among the fowls in his hen-house, where he moped in a corner, looking very dejected and forlorn. After a while his Captor was glad enough to sell him to a neighbour, who took him home and let his wings grow again. As soon as he had recovered the use of them, the Eagle flew out and caught a hare, which he brought home and presented to his benefactor. A fox observed this, and said to the Eagle, “Don’t waste your gifts on him! Go and give them to the man who first caught you; make him your friend, and then perhaps he won catch you and clip your wings a second time. ”  ’t 从前,有一个人捉住了一只鹰,随后便剪断了他的翅膀,放入鸡窝中与其它家禽一起饲养,鹰一直呆在角落里暗自悲伤,看上去甚为沮丧和绝望。没过多久,捕获老鹰的那个人很高兴地将鹰卖给了一个邻居,邻居把鹰带回家后又帮它长出了新的翅膀。鹰飞出去抓住了一只兔子,立刻带回家给恩人。一只狐狸看到后,便对老鹰说:“不要在他身上浪费你的猎物,把这份礼物送给以前捕获你的那个人,和他交个朋友,那么,或许他不会再次捕获你,并剪断你的翅膀。” 【篇三】 小女孩的梦想  A little Girl  ’s Dream The promise was a long time keeping. But then  ,  so was the dream. 这个诺言被长久地遵守着,而这个梦想也同样如此。 In the early 1950s in a small Southern California town a little girl hefted yet another load of books onto th


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