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多媒体用户界面的设计 多媒体用户界面主要强调媒体的表现(pem sensation ),有以下几点册墨考虎: 1.决定要通信的合适信息 2.表现信息的关键特性 3.确定通信的目的 4.为信息表现选择合适的媒体 5.同步不同媒体,并在一个表现片段中进行协同 6.为表现的信息提供交互手段 General Design Issues The main emphasis in the design of multimedia Rd presentation, There are several issues which must considere o 1. To determine the appropriate information communicate,ooca o-2 To represent the essential characteristics of o a the information F.e 3, To represent the communicative intent. 4. To chose the proper media for information ° presentation 6.To provide interactive exploration ofthe information presented 结构考虑 一个有效的表现设计过程不仅考虑串行的 动作流,还考并行和交互的动作SF91 这就意味着在多媒体表现系统的不同部件 之间进行额外的信息交流和反馈,另外 在系统设计时,还必须考虑对话的目标的 重点、用户上下文、当前任务、媒体选择 等问题。 Architectura/55es” An effective presentation design process should not only involve sequential flow of a Actions, but also parallel and interactive 0 actions/SF91J This means that there is a requirement for extensive feedback going on co po a between the components making decisions about media and modalities. Additionally the design includes a number of higher-level concerns, such as goals and focus of the dialogue, the users context and current task and media selection to represent this information in a way that corresponds to p these concerns 表现的信息特征 一组兜备的信息特征使用使得知识定 义和多媒体信息的表现娈得容易,这是由 于疤允许在信息与表现技术之间建立合适 的关系 information characteristics for ” Presentatio门圆。 .E. A complete set of information characteristics makes knowledge definition and representation easier 2, because优副w和r可 ppropriate sa mapping between information and presentation techniques. 表现功能 表现功能用于显示对象,将表现功能与 表现形式、表现网络以及它所携带的住 处相分离是很重要的。从不同视角看待 表现功能有多种方法,如有有方法将表 现功能看做是一组信息查询函数[RM91, 有的方法认为它是媒体无关表现目标的 种层次表达。 m o Presentation Function e Presentation function is a program which displays anobject(e,g, printf for display of a character) independent from presentation form, style or the o- It is important to specify the p tation functi information


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