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M2 Experience 课文知识点 competition(n.) 比赛 compete with sb for sth 为了 sth 与 sb 竞争competitive(adj.) 有竞争力的 competitor(n.) 竞争者 enter 参加(= take part in) ;进入 Eg: I will enter an exam tomorrow. My father entered the house. 3. kind adj. 善良的,和蔼的 kindness(n.) 善良 n. 种类 a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种各样 Eg:He is a kind boy and often helps others. There are all kinds of things in the supermarket. help sb (to) do sth = help sb with sth improve(v.) 提高,改善 improvement(n.) Eg: In order to improve my English, my brother helps me with my homework every day. maybe 也许,大概 (常放句首 ) may be 可能是(常放句中 ) Eg: Maybe you are right. You may be right. win+比赛 赢得?? (win —won—won) beat+对手(sb) 打败?? (beat— beat—beaten) Eg: At last, he won the game. We beat them at chess. the first prize 一等奖 the second prize 二等奖 dream of/about doing sth 梦 想 做 sth afford to do sth 有能力支付做 sth Eg: He dreams of becoming a scientist. I can’t afford to buy a new computer. Have you ever won any prizes before? Have/Has sb ever+过去分词 +其他? 用于询问 sb 是否做过 sth,回答用 yes/no. Eg: ---Have you ever been to Beijing? ---Yes, I have. / ---No, I haven’t. stop to do sth 停止去做 sth doing sth 停止做 sth Eg: Stop talking! You look tired, why not stop to have a rest? That’s a pity! 太遗憾了 ! It is a pity to do sth that+句子 Eg: It is a pity to fail in the exam. It was a pity that we missed the wonderful match. mean(v.) 意思是,意味着 mean to do sth= plan to do sth meaning(n.) 意思 the meaning of?? ??的意思Eg: Do you mean to go to Hainan Island for holiday this year? 动词不定式 to do 结构在句中可以作目的状语之外,还可以作宾语、宾语补足语。 Eg:To catch the bus, I have to get up early. He decides to study hard this term. The teacher asks us to take notes in class. Don’t worry! 不要担心 ! worry 担心;为??担心 worry about=be worried about 担忧 make up 编造 make up for 弥补 invite sb to do sth 邀请 sb 去做 sth invitation(n.) 邀请 Eg:My friend invited me to watch movie yesterday. Did you get an invitation to the party? called=named 被叫做?? (过去分词充当定语 ) Eg:There is a girl called/named Lucy in my class. although=though 虽然,尽管 (不能 but 连用,但是可以


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