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句子翻译及背诵 200 句 1. 我是学生 .(简单句 ) I ’m a student. 2. 他在做的与我无关 . What he does is none of my business. 3. 我来了 ,但他已经走了 . (复合句 ) I came, but he has left. 4. 我不知道他已经走了 ,但是她知道 . (并列符合句 ) I don ’t know he has left, but she does. 5. 你能回答我的问题吗 ? Can you answer my question? 6. 我在写信 . I ’m writing a letter. 7. 请开门 . Please open the door. 8. 他是一个多聪明的男孩啊 ! What a clever boy he is! 9. 我非常喜欢这本书 . I like the book very much. 10. 他昨天去哪儿了 ? Where did he go yesterday? 第二组:词类 11. 你应该用正确的方法做这件事 . You should do it in the right way. 12. 最终 , 他受到了惩罚 . At last, he was punished. 13. 他在湖里游泳 . He is swimming in the lake. 14. 至今 ,我已经读了 100 部小说 . So far, I have read 100 novels. 15. 我不喜欢这乐曲 . I don ’t like the music. 16. 你喜欢音乐吗 ? Do you like music? 17. 如果我是你 , 我会跟他在一起 . If I were you, I would stay with him. 18. 面对困难 ,一定要保持冷静 . When facing difficulty, you should keep calm. 19. 最终 ,他梦想成真 . At last, his dream came true. 20. 你所说的听起来很有道理 . What you says sounds reasonable. 第三组:词类 精品文库 21. 我无法容忍你那样对母亲说话 . I can’t have you speaking to mum that way. 22. 我看见他上学去了 . I saw him going to school. 23. 他的演讲大大鼓舞了我们 . His speech encouraged us greatly. 24. 使我们惊奇的是你不愿来 . What surprised us was that you were unwilling to come. 25. 军人的天职是执行命令 . It is a soldier ’s duty to carry out orders. 26. 摇头意味着不同意 . (v-ing 作主语 ) Shaking heads m


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