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2020届新高考高三英语书面表达作文讲义(十九) 读后续写考前写作微技能点拨 一、30多个替换say的单词 考前一定要听写下来! 1.如何"说" 01) say 说 02) shout 高喊;大声喊叫? 03) cry 喊叫,大声说 04) yell 叫喊(因激动,恐惧) 05) call 喊,叫 06) smile 微笑着说 07) laugh 笑着说 08) whisper 悄声说; 低语道 09) beg 恳求? 10) scream 惊呼,高声叫道 11) promise 承诺道? 12) argue 主张 13) emphasize ? ? =stress 强调 14) sob 呜咽着说 15) warn 警告 16) think 想,想道 2.为什么"说" 01) tell 告诉 02) ask 问 03) add 补充道 04) explain 解释道;辩解道 05) admit 承认 06) agree 同意 07) reply ? ?=respond 答复, 回答 08) advise 劝告,建议 09) suggest 建议 10) anwser 回答 11) praise 称赞? 12) complain 抱怨? 13) demand 要求 14) declare 宣称,声称 15) remark 评论道 3. 例句 1) "Why don't you want to accept this wonderful opportunity?"?asked?the boss on the phone. 2) "Shall we leave now?" he?whispered?to us and we left the room very quietly. 3) "Help! Help! I can't swim,"?screamed?the frightened boy. 4) "Please don't hurt my cat,"?begged?Sarah as her brother picked it up by one leg. 5) "I'd like to live in a castle of my own too,"?agreed?the young prince. 6) "Yes, I bought a car and a new flat this winter,"?answered?my father. 7) "Are you coming with us?"?shouted?Li Ming to her friend on the other side of the room. 8) "I didn't like that meal at all,"?complained?the customer. 9) "Perhaps you would like to go this way?"?suggested?the man shyly. 二、句子结构 1.??"....," he said,?doing?...?--say后接分词作状语 1) "I didn't know what I was doing," she said,?laughing?at the memory. 2) "I'll get us some coffee," she said,?heading?for the kitchen. 3) "That's nice," Alex said quietly,?focusing?on his plate. 4) "Very clever," said the teacher,?nodding?his head as if pleased. 5) "Uncle, forgive me, I did that... unintentionally," he said,?pointing?to the broken glass. 6) "We don't do any harm," said the boy, evidently?frightened?by my words. 2.??"...," he said,?as/when/before/as if...?--say后接时间状语从句 1) "Watch out!" she shouted,?as?the car started to move. 2) "What a beauty!" said the nurse?as?she came to the door. 3.?"....," he said,?and?(then he) did....--say后接and, 先后动作或构成并列句 1) "Good morning


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