六年级下英语课件-Lesson26 Looking at pictures(2)_冀教版.ppt

六年级下英语课件-Lesson26 Looking at pictures(2)_冀教版.ppt

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Lesson26 Looking at Pictures;Studying aims: Master and use: 1.New Words 2.Phrases 3.Important Sentences;Step 1; picture(s) n. 照片,图片 find (found) v.找到,发现 pack v. 包裹,将…装进箱子 remember v. 记住,记得,回忆起 another adj. 另一个,再一 ;闪视;Step 2 Give you two minutes to find out all the phrases in this lesson.;1.准备好做… 2.太..而不能… 3.公共汽车站 4.另一张照片 ;;1.你正在干什么?我在准备下周回家。 What are you doing? I’m getting ready to go home next week. 2.我有许多东西要找并且打包. I have many things to find and to pack. 3.你记得和丹尼打过的那场篮球吗? Do you remember playing basketball with Danny? 4.丹尼很强壮和健康,但是他太弱了,不能扔篮球。 Danny is strong and healthy, but he was too weak to throw the basketball. 5.后来我教他打乒乓球,但是他打到了手。 Then I taught him to play ping-pong ,but he hit his hand.;知识应用:;Tug ;Spring outing ;一、根据汉语提示完成句子 1.I have many things to find and to _____(收拾,打包) 2.We had our _______(雨伞) and our _____(雨靴)。 3.Here’s _______(另一个) picture. 4.Do you ______(记得) playing basketball with Danny? 5.She is ___ and ______(健康强壮). 6. I want to walk ____.(快) 7.I’m ______ _____ _______(准备) go home next week. 8. He was__ (太 )weak ___(不能)throw the basketball.;1.Tom said he ____ill that day. A. be B. is C. was 2. Do you remember ______ basketball with Tom ? A. play B. playing C. plays 3.I taught Danny _______play ping-pong . A. to B. with C. for 4. He wanted to walk _____. A. quickly B. quick C. for 5.There is ____ “x” in the word “six” . A. a B. an C. / 6. I’m too hungry ___walk. A. to B. in C. for



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