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北半球各层温度变化趋向 北半球冬季能量转换图 北半球各层温度变化趋势 北半球不同纬度带能量的年代际变化 In the tropical region, both the available potential energy and the kinetic energy show small changes after the late 1970s, most of them showing a decrease. In contrast to the substantial changes of the kinetic energy in the mid-latitudes, these small changes in the tropical region indicate that the significant increase of the NH kinetic energy in recent decades has resulted primarily from increases of the atmospheric energy in the mid and high latitudes. From examining the energetics for the mid- and high latitudes in Fig. 7, we also find that changes of both the available potential energy and the kinetic energy have smaller magnitudes in the high-latitude region than in the mid-latitude region. In the mid-latitudes, the most significant change is in the kinetic energy; both the mean and eddy kinetic energies show large increases in the recent epoch. The increases of both KM and KE are shown in the NH winter and summer seasons. These increases suggest enhanced winter and summer season weather disturbances in the mid-latitudes with the warming in the late 1970s. 不同波数的波的能量变化比较 参考文献: Qi Hu, Y. Tawaye, and S. Feng: Variations of the Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Energetics: 1948–2000* Journal of Climate, 2004, 17:1975-1986 第5章 能量平衡 分析动能、位能和内能的相对大小,它们各自的制造、相互转换以及消耗率,讨论大气能量平衡、几种能量维持的基本过程。 矢量运动方程: 用三维速度矢量点乘上式,得: 或: 第1节 动能方程 上式说明,动能的局地变化是由右边四项造成的,下面逐项讨论: 1)动能平流项: ,对于任一体积单元而言,若平流流入量大于流出量,则动能增加。该项只改变动能得空间分布,不制造也不消耗能量。 2)气压梯度力和重力作功项: 即 表明:当大气运动严格满足地转关系时,水平风矢量 ,则第1项为零;当满足静力平衡时,第2项为零。所以,当大气既严格满足地转关系又严格遵从静力平衡时,大气中便不能制造动能。换言之,大气动能的制造只能依靠非地转运动和非静力平衡条件来实现。 a)当水平风从高压吹向低压(次地转运动)时, ,有动能的制造。 b)当水平风从低压吹向高压(超地转运动)时, ,有动能的损耗。 实测风的统计表明:次地转风出现的频率超地转风出现的频率,即以动能制造为主。当气压场在垂直方向上出现非静力平衡时,空气的垂直运动可引起动能的制造或消耗。若 时,下沉运动――制造动能,上升运动――消耗动能。 2)摩擦消耗:由于


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