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英语作文写作及翻译老师笔记(四六级考试) 第 12 天 1.通过展现准时上课、 集中精力和课前准备这些品质, 大学生不仅能获得教授以及同龄人的 尊重,也能成长为成熟稳重的成年人,为在学术和现实生活中的成功做好准备。 By demonstrating (1.展现) punctuality, attentiveness and preparedness for class, college students will not only command the respect of (2. 赢得 …… 的尊重) their professors and peers, but also develop into mature adults well positioned for (3. 为 …… 做好准备) success both in academia and in the real world (4. 现实生活) . 1- demonstrate 词典释义: demonstrate 2.VERB 动词 显示 ; 表露 If you demonstrate a particular skill, quality, or feeling, you show by your actions that you have it. 【语法信息】:V n ?Have they, for example, demonstrate d a commitment to democracy? 例如, 他们是否已表现出会致力于民主? ?The governments going to great lengths to demonstrate its military might. 该政府正不遗余力地展示其军事力量。 外刊例句: As existing electric cars attest, today ’s lithium-ion batteries are limited in range and can prove temperamental —not least by demonstrating a disturbing tendency to burst into flames if overheated. ( ) 现存的电动汽车测试证实, 锂电池如今种类有限, 且不稳定——主要就是它温度 过高时就会想要着火,这实在让人不安。 1 / 30 替换表达: show something / display something / exhibit something 学生错误表达: (1) By revealing 点评: reveal 是指揭露、显示之前隐藏的事物,不能用在指展现人的品质。 2- command the respect of command 这里是及物动词,主语既可以是人,例如“(人)享有 / 应得他人的 尊敬、支持、兴趣等”,也可以是物,例如“(物)应得好价钱等”。 词典释义: command transitive ■to deserve and get something good, such as attention, respect, or a lot of money 应得,值得 ?She was one of those teachers who just commanded respect. 她是那些值 得尊敬的老师中的一位。 ?She commands one of the highest fees per film in Hollywood. 她是好莱 坞片酬最高的演员之一。 外刊例句: However, the fact of the matter is, he cannot command the respect of his own party, so how can he hope to command the respect


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