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河南师范大学本科毕业论文 PAGE PAGE 12 本科毕业论文 本科毕业论文 学号: 建国以来豫西地区传统婚俗及其流变考察 ——以洛宁县城郊乡为例 学院名称: 专业名称: 年级班别: 姓 名: 指导教师: 2014年5月 建国以来豫西地区农村传统婚俗及其流变考察 ——以洛宁县城郊乡为例 摘要:婚俗是社会习俗的重要组成部分,是建国以来豫西农村地区社会变迁较活跃的因素之一,是衡量传统乡土社会变革广度与深度的重要标尺之一。本文以洛宁县城郊乡为例通过对该地区自建国以来婚俗的考察,概述了城郊乡在建国初期的传统婚俗与建国后人们择偶方式的多样化、婚礼仪式在不同历史时期的改变、晚婚人数和离婚率上升等婚姻礼俗的流变,并以此来分析豫西地区农村婚俗变化的阶段性特征、历史性特征以及《婚姻法》与习惯法的对抗性特征。 关键词:洛宁、农村、传统婚俗、现代流变 The Study on the rural traditional marriage customs of the Western Region in Henan since the founding of our state Taking Areas of Chengjiaoxiang in Luon Abstract: Marriage customs is an important component of social customs. It is an active factor in the social vicissitude in rural areas in Henan province since the founding of our state. It is also an important measure of breadth and depth of traditional society .Based on the research on marriage customs in rural areas of luoning County Chengjiaoxiang since the founding of our state, the essay mainly summarize the traditional wedding customs in this areas after the early founding of our state and the changes of marriage customs including spouse way of diversification, the changes of wedding ceremony in different history times, and the increasing of the number of late marriage and the divorce rate. In order to analysis the phased characteristics and historic feature as well as confrontational feature between law of marriage and customary of changes of rural marriage customs in the western region in Henan. Key words: In luoning, rural, traditional wedding customs, modern rheology 洛宁县位于河南省洛阳市西南,洛河中游。东邻宜阳,西接灵宝、卢氏,北靠陕县、渑池,南连嵩县、栾川。总面积2306平方公里,地貌特征为“七山二塬一分川” [1]。“洛宁历史悠久,今洛宁县,秦汉以来曾为宜阳、渑池二县地,随该二县属宏农郡。至南北朝西魏于此置北宜阳县,北周改为熊耳县,皆因山水得名。隋义宁二年(618)改熊耳为永宁,此永宁建县之始,治所在今洛宁东北。明清均属河南府。经一千二百余年,至民国三年(1914)始改称洛宁县” [1]。洛宁不仅风景秀丽,而且文化底蕴深厚,有饮誉中外的河洛文化标志“河图洛书”的洛书之源“洛出书处”,以及古代大儒 程颢、程頣祠及其后裔总兵 程福亮故居所在地。由于接受中原文化熏陶从而行成了独特的文化特点。在社会现代化和城市化进程中,近年来洛宁经济社会呈现出持续快速健康发展的


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