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英语作文写作及翻译老师笔记(四六级考试) 1.尽管在空间探索上的投资绝不能被视为是草率的、不必要的,我仍认为政府应该往减少贫 困和饥饿这些手头上的事情投入更多的财政资金, 而不是将资金投入到探索宇宙偏远角落上。 While money invested in exploring space by no means (1.绝不) constitutes (2.被视为) frivolous (3.草率的) or unnecessary spending, I believe that governments should devote more of their financial resources to alleviating poverty and hunger close at hand (4.手头上的, 在时间或 距离上接近的) than to exploring the far corners of the universe. 1- by no means 词典释义: by no means phrase used as a way of emphasizing a negative statement It was by no means excellent but still better than last year. I wouldn ’t say I was an expert, not by any means. [mi:nz] plural noun by no means ( also not by any means ) ■not at all 决不,一点都不 ?It is by no means certain that well finish the project by June. 我们能否在六月份前完成这项工程还很难确定。 ?This isnt the last well hear of it by any means. 这绝对不会是我们最 后一次听到此事。 外刊例句: These new-old books are short but by no means slight. Nor are they only for hard-core Murakami fans. ( ) 1 / 25 这些再版的旧作篇幅不长但绝非空洞之作。它们也并非单纯为村上的铁杆粉而 作。 替换表达: in no way / not at all / not by any means 2- constitute 注意虽然译为“被视为”,但 constitute 是主动语态。 词典释义: constitute UK [k ?n.st ?.tju:t] US [k ɑ:n.st ?.tu:t] verb BE CONSIDERED AS 被视作 ADVANCED [L only + noun] [not continuous] formal ■to be or be considered as something 是;被看作,被视为 ?This latest defeat constitutes a major setback for the government. 最近的这次失败是对政府的一次重挫。 外刊例句: Just last month, the Mayo Clinic Proceedings published a study arguing that the results of national dietary surveys, such as those that link sugary drinks to type-2 diabetes, are so flawed that 2 / 25 they constitute a maj


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