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3 I have to find it, or Mum will punish me! 我必须找到它,否则妈妈会惩罚我的! punish 作及物动词,常用结构: punish sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而处罚某人 punish sb. by doing sth. 通过做某事来惩罚某人 他们的妈妈惩罚了他们的粗鲁(行为)。 Their mother punished them for their rudeness. 我父母过去常以不让我看电视来惩罚我。 My parents used to punish me by not letting me watch TV. 例句 Pronunciation and speaking 6 Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses. 1 No shouting, please! It’s against the rules. Because it’s closed. There certainly are a lot of rules in this museum. Now listen again and repeat. 英语句子一般由多个单词构成,这些单词的重读一般遵循以下规律:名词、形容词、数词、动词、副词、代词和表达强烈思想感情的感叹词需要重读;人称代词、连词、冠词、介词、以及少数系动词和助动词等主要起语法作用的单词一般不重读(当然有少数例外)。 Stress 重读 Work in pairs. Discuss the rules in your classroom. 7 Must we keep quiet in the classroom? Yes. No shouting in the classroom. Yes. You should hand in your homework on time. Must I hand in my homework now? 1. Jack walked along the river and held the boat with a strong _______ (绳索). 2. The restroom is on the first floor. You should go ____________ (往楼下) . 一、 根据句子意思及所给的中文提示完成单词。 Exercise rope downstairs 3. —You can’t go into it. Can’t you see the sign “No ________ (进入权)”? —Oh, sorry. I didn’t notice it. 4. —The flower _________ (展览会) will last for three hours, won’t it? —Yes, it will. 5. My dad _________ (惩罚) me yesterday because I did my homework carelessly. entry exhibition punished 二、 单项选择。 1. ______ popular festival Halloween is in North America! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 2. Toby is such a rude boy. ______ Mr Brown doesn’t like him. A. I’m not sure B. That’s because C. No wonder D. I can hardly believe Module 5 Museums 外研·九年级上册 Unit 1 Don’t cross that rope! New Words exhibition rule tail rope entry missing punish n. 展览;展览会 n. 规则;法则 n. 尾;尾巴 n. 粗绳;绳索 n. 进入权;进入许可 adj. 找不到的;失踪的 v. 惩罚;惩处 upstairs adj. 位于楼上的 adv. 往楼上;在楼上 downstairs adj. 位于楼下的 adv. 往楼下;在楼下 agains


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