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目 录 引 言 1 一、紧急救助的定义及历史沿革3 (一)紧急救助的定义3 (二)紧急救助的历史沿革3 二、我国紧急救助中民事责任的现状及困境6 (一)我国紧急救助中民事责任的现状分析6 (二)我国紧急救助中民事责任上的困境6 1 紧急救助法律适用混乱,相关概念模糊不清7 2.紧急救助受益主体不明确7 3.紧急救助受益人补偿标准不清7 4.紧急救助者致损的责任豁免范围过宽8 三、紧急救助的性质及行为要件 12 (一)紧急救助的性质分析 12 (二)紧急救助的行为要件 17 四、域外紧急救助民事责任梳理及启示20 (一)域外紧急救助民事责任梳理20 1.英美法系国家立法动态20 2.大陆法系国家立法动态21 (二)域外紧急救助民事责任之启示23 五、完善我国紧急救助中民事责任的建议25 (一)对紧急救助相关法律概念作出合理解释25 (二)界定明晰受益人的范围25 (三)完善对紧急救助者的民法赔偿和补偿体系26 (四)限缩紧急救助者致损的免责事由28 结 论32 参 考 文 献33 发表文章目录35 致 谢36 个人简况及联系方式37 承 诺 书 38 学位论文使用授权声明 39 Contents Introduction 1 I. Definition and historical evolution of emergency assistance3 A. Definition of emergency assistance 3 B. History of emergency rescue 3 II. Current Situation and Dilemma of Civil Liability in Chinas Emergency Assistance 6 A. Analysis of the status of civil liability in emergency rescue in China 6 B. Difficulties in civil liability in emergency rescue in China 6 1. The application of emergency rescue law is confusing and related concepts are unclear 7 2. Unclear beneficiaries of emergency assistance 7 3. Unclear compensation standards for emergency rescue beneficiaries 7 4.The scope of exemption for liability caused by emergency rescuers is too wide 8 Ⅲ. The nature and behavioral requirements of emergency assistance 12 A. Analysis of the nature of emergency assistance 12 B. the essential elements of emergency rescue 17 Ⅳ. Sorting out and enlightenment of civil liability for extraterrestrial emergency rescue 20 A. Summarizing the legislation of civil liability for emerg


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