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Module 3 Making plans 模块测试卷 Class:____________ Name:_____________ 一.单项选择: (30 分 ) ( ) 1. May Day is ______________1 st May. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 2. She is going to ______________the runners. A. cheers B. cheer C. cheering ( ) 3.Mr Li is too tired, he ’s looking forward to______________a good rest. A. have B. has C. having ( ) 4.--__________________ are you going? --I am going to Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. Who ( ) 5.__________________you like to join us? A. Are B.Do C. Would ( ) 6.Don ’t____________________silly. A. be B. is C. are ( ) 7.What are his plans __________________this weekend? A. at B.in C. for ( ) 8.Tingting is going to have _____________piano lesson. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 9.Lingling and I_____________going to have a picnic. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 10.Look at the _____________, it ’s going to rain. A. cloud B. flower C. sun ( ) 11.Who______________would you like to see? A.other B.others C. else ( ) 12.We’re going to collect litter near my_____________house. A.friends B.friend ’s C. friend 第 1页 共6页 ( ) 13.It ’s time_________________homework. A. to B. for C.at ( ) 14.He _______________ usually.eat meat. A. isn ’t B.don ’t C. doesn’t ( ) 15.I ’m ________________an email to my father at the moment. A. write B. sending C. checks 二.完形填空: ( 10 分) I ’ m a girl from __1__. I often travel __2__my parents in my summer holiday. I also enrich( 充实 ) __3__in libraries, museums and science centres. I ’ American. In __4__ country, children always __5__ some voluntary work in our city or in __6__ cities. We can do a lot of things, such as cooking, __7__ stories, doing cleaning for the old . I ’m __8__ boy from China. Every year, I make plans such as travelling, climbing the mountains, swimming and so on. My parents __9__ these experiences can make me __10__. ( ) 1.A. England B. American C. English ( ) 2.A. for B. on C. with ( ) 3.A. yourself B. himself C.myself ( ) 4.A. I B. me C. my ( ) 5.A. do B. does C. doing ( ) 6.A. other B. others C. the others ( ) 7.A. sayin


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