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英 必修一 Module 3 、4 知 点 一、 Language points 1、 means n.(often pl.) 方式,方法( 复数同形) by all means 当然, 必 by no means 不,并没有 by means of ? 用?方法,依靠 ? 辨析:① mean v. 意欲,打算 mean to do sth 打算做 ?? mean doing sth 意味 着?? mean to have done sth = had meant to do sth 原打算做某事 未做 ②用?方法(注意介 搭配) by means of ? in this way with the method of 2、refer to a 提到, 起 He never referred to his sisters in his letters他.在信里从 未提到 他的姊妹。 b 参考,咨 , 料 If you don ’t know what this means,ferreto the dictionary. 如果你不知道 是什么意思,去 字典。 c 有关, The new law doesn ’t refer to the land used for farming. 新法与耕地无关。 d 提交(某人或某机关考 理或决定) They referred their plan to the government. 他 将 划提交了管 理部 。 e ?起源于; ?与?有关; 有? 属于; 功 (或咎 )于; 于 Mr White referred his success to his hard work. 特先生 他的成功 是靠勤 工作而 得的。 拓展: 字典 refer to / turn to the dictionary look sth up in the dictionary refer to sth/sb 提到某物 /某人,意指某物,涉及某人 refer to ? as 将??? 称 ?? 3、take off a( 等 ) 起跳;跳起来; ( 机等 ) 起 The plane took off from the airport and headed south towards Hong Kong. 机从机 起 往南向香港 去。 b 脱下 ( 衣帽、鞋子等 ) ,脱掉;拿掉,取下;移去;拆下,拆掉 He took off his coat and sat down. 他脱下大衣坐了下来。 to take off ones glasses 摘下眼 出 ;匆匆离开 The professor took off for Shanghai this morning. 教授今天上午 身去上海了。 中止,中断;停止 (演出 ),取消; (使火 、公共汽 等 )停运 The show had to be taken off because of poor audiences. 因 众太少而不得不取消演出。 e 将? 离工作;休假,休息; [美国方言 ]缺勤, 工, He took two weeks off from work. 他歇工两星期。 4、come from + 地点 来自于 ?(地方) 5、get on a(使)登上公共汽 (或火 等 );(使) 上自行 (或 等 ) Before you can learn to ride a horse, you have to be able get on 你it.要学 会 ,必 先会上 。 穿上 (衣服等 );戴上 (帽子等 );盖上 (盖子等 ) Get on your rubbers, we have to go out in the rain. 穿上你的胶鞋, 我 必 在雨天外出。 6、get off a( 使) 下 , ( 使) 下 Excuse me, I have to get off at the next stop. ,我必 在下一站 下 。 b( 从? ) 下来, ( 从? ) 下去 That roof is dangerous, do get off. 那房 太危 ,千万要下来。 c( 使) 离开; ( 使) 身 We have to get off early tomorrow. 我 明天一早必 身。 d(从? )脱下 (衣服等 );拿开 (某物 ) Her finger had swollen so much that she couldnt get her ring off. 她的手指 得很 害, 戒指都取不下来了。 接:get about 四 走 get back 回



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