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一般过去时练习题 一、写出下列动词的过去式或动词原形。 1. go_________ 2. is_________ 3.buy_________ 4.swim_________ 5. have _________ watched_________7. ate_________ 8. got_________9. lived _________ 10. saw _________ spend _________ 12. talk _________13. do _________14. teach _________ 15. win _________ 16. like _________ 17. write ________18. cry ________ 19. study________ 20. ask ________ 二、 用单词的适当形式填空。 ________ you ________(water) the flowers yesterday? Su Hai _________(go) for a walk last Sunday. Mike ________(not finish) his homework yesterday. I _______ (pick) apples on the tree last month. I _______(is) ten years old last year. On that day, I _______(blow) the candles out. There ________(are) five books on the desk a moment ago. They ________(sweep) the floor just now. I _________ (meet) Miss White the day before yesterday. I _______ (wash) clothes last weekend. What did you do on your holiday? I ________ (go) swimming. 三、选择正确的答案。 ( ( (  )1. I ________ presents for my parents yesterday. A. buyed B. bought C. buying )2. Susan ________ swimming yesterday. A. go B. goes C. went )3. Danny ________ breakfast five times last week. A. eat B. ate C. eated ( )4. Last Sunday ________Tree Planting Day. A. is B. were C. was ( )5. I ________ a lot from our textbook. A. learned B. learnes C. learning ( )6. We ________to the zoo and ________a lot of animals yesterday. A. go; see B. went; saw C. goes; sees ( )7. --What did you do last weekend ? --I ________. A. read a book B. wash the clothes C. go fishing ( )8. --What did you do on your holiday? --I ________. A. bought a present B. go skiing C. learn English ( )9. --What did he________ yesterday? --He ________ his homework. A. did; did B. do; did C. do; do ( )10. Yesterday my presents and I ________our house. A. were cleaning B. cleaned C. are going to clean ( )11. What ________to trees in the different season? A. happen B. happens C. happened ( )12. Last summer. I ________in the lake and played on the beach. A. swim B. swam C. will swim


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