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PAGE PAGE 5 《英语修辞学》第一章第四章练习答案 Tell what figures of speech each sentence contains. 1. You might as well expect a leopard to change its spots as expect him to give up smoking. (simile) 2. I stayed on Hong Kong island and found myself in a different world, where surprising quiet and the green smell of lush foliage is just steps away from the business district.(Jane Wooldridge: Hong Kong) (synaesthesia) 3. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. (kate Chopin: The Dream of an Hour) (synaesthesia) 4. How all my own territory would be altered, as if a landslide had gone through it and skimmed off all meaning except loss of Mike. (simile) (I had never realized until Mike’s leaving) How much my own life would be affected, as if it had been destroyed by a landslide, which took away everything I used to enjoy, leaving behind only the pain from missing Mike.我的世界里,就像发生了天崩地裂,除了迈克的离去,其余所有的记忆都被冲走了。 5. My brain was as powerful as a dynamo, as precise as a chemist’s scale, as penetrating as a scalpel. (simile) 我的大脑像发电机一样发达,化学家的称那样精确,像手术刀一样锋利。 6. Moreover, she had married into conversation(很会说话的人). (Huxley) (metonymy) 7. Not that Miss Emily would have accepted charity . (Lawrence) (metonymy) charity things given in charity 8. Great minds think alike. (synecdoche) 英雄所见略同。 9. It(teaching)was like digging a tunnel. (simile) 10. He is pitiless as steel, keen and cold as frost. (London) (simile)铁石心肠、冷若冰霜 11. Mike and I climbed into the cab when it rained , and the rain washed down the windows and made a racket like stones on the roof. (simile)雨水打在车窗上,声音很大,就像石头打在屋顶上。 12. A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is not a man. (simile) 13. But these marks or wild country called to my father like the legendary siren song . (simile)……就像希腊神话里海妖那动人的歌声一样诱惑着爸爸。 14. How sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have a thankless child. (Shakespeare) (simile) 15. And at once they shut up like clams. (simile) 16. altar , sword and pen , Fireside , the heroic wealth of


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