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关注订阅号:爱讲英语 学英式英语 了解英国事儿 我杀了小天狼星布莱克! I killed Sirius Black! 他回来了 Hes back. 片名:哈利波特与混血王子 警方仍在进一步调查... The police are continuing with the investigation... 千禧桥坍塌事件 ... into the cause of the Millennium Bridge disaster. 警方搜寻幸存者期间 交通一度暂停 Traffic has been halted as police search for survivors. 事故现场周边区域仍处于戒备状态 The surrounding area remains closed. 市长呼吁伦敦市民保持冷静... The mayor has urged Londoners to remain calm... 哈利?波特 Harry Potter. 哈利?波特是谁? Whos Harry Potter? 哦 谁也不是 Oh, no one. 可能是某个呆子吧 Bit of a tosser, really. 你的报纸怪怪的 Funny, that paper of yours. 前几天晚上 我敢发誓看到照片里的人动了 Couple nights ago, I couldve sworn I saw a picture move. - 真的? - 我估计是干活累得看花眼了 - Really? - Thought I was going around the twist. - 嘿 我在想... - 11 点 我那会下班 - Hey, I was wondering... - Eleven. Thats when I get off. 到时候你可以跟我 慢慢讲讲这个呆瓜哈利?波特 You can tell me all about that tosser Harry Potter. 你这个夏天可是大胆得很啊哈利 Youve been reckless this summer, Harry. 我喜欢坐坐地铁 I like riding around on trains. 免得胡思乱想 Takes my mind off things. 看着不怎么招人喜欢 对吧? Rather unpleasant to behold, isnt it? 说实话 这倒是个挺惊险的故事 The tale is thrilling, if I say so myself. 可现在不是说故事的时候 But now is not the time to tell it. 搭着我的手臂 Take my arm. 照我说的做 Do as I say. 我刚刚是不是幻影移形了? I just Apparated, didnt I? 是的 要我说 还很是成功 Indeed. Quite successfully too, I might add. 绝大多数人第一次都吐了 Most people vomit the first time. 真让人想不通 I cant imagine why. 欢迎来到美丽的巴德莱? 巴伯顿村 Welcome to the charming village of Budleigh Babberton. 哈利 我猜 现在你正奇怪 我为什么要带你来这里 Harry, I assume, right about now, youre wondering why I brought you here. 对吧? Am I right? 老实说 教授 经历这么多年 我差不多已经不想了 Actually, sir, after all these years, I just sort of go with it. 拔出魔杖 哈利 Wands out, Harry. 霍拉斯? Horace? 霍拉斯? Horace? 梅林的胡子啊! Merlins beard! 你也没必要非得戳穿我啊阿不思 No need to disfigure me, Albus. 我不得不说 你这椅子变得很是成功 霍拉斯 Well, I must say you make a very convincing armchair, Horace. 那都是表面功夫做的足 里子那是天然的 我哪儿露馅了? Its all in the upholstery. I come by the stuffing na



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