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人教版英语必修二 Unit5 练习题 人教版英语必修二 Unit5 Music 一、 元基 知 回 : (一)本 元 翻 (答案 教材 表 ): 、卷状物 民 的 爵士音 音 人士、音 家 假装 系上、 上 形成、使形成 路人、行人 得、 ( ) 器、工具 表演、 行 表演 n. 酒吧、酒 金 演播室、工作室、 音棚 富豪、百万富翁 男演 、行 者 依靠、依 广播、播放 幽默的、 的 熟悉的 吸引人的 加、增加 浸 自信的 短的、 要的 投入、 n. 后来、然后 adv. 邀 、招待 胡 敏感的、易受 的 痛苦的 梦想 (有意 、重要)、附上、 接 用 金 逗 、 弄、开玩笑 依靠 (短 ) ?? 熟悉、熟悉 ?? 大 解体、分裂、打碎 另外、也 分 首先、最重要的是 古典的、古典文 的 管弦 (交响 ) 名声 (n) 再 一、重聚 (二)本 元 法知 复 ------ “介 +关系代 ”定 从句 Ⅰ、 把下列句子中定 从句部分下划 ,并在横 上写出定 从句的先行 。 He often dreams of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating his music. _________________________ They may start as a group of students, for whom practicing their music in someone’s house is the first step to fame. ________________________________________ 3.The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles. _______________________________________  4.They may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid is cash. __________________________________________ 5.After a year or so in which they became more serious about their work, the Monkees started to play and sing their own songs. ________________________ They produced a new record in 1996, with which they celebrated their former time as a real band. ___________________________ Ⅱ、把下列每小 的两个句子用“介 +关系代 ” 接成含定 从句的句子,并在先行 下下划 。 They climbed up to the top of a mountain. They got a good view. I would like to thank my tutor(指 老 ). I would never have finished the work. 3. She has now moved back to the house. She was born. The star is to be named after the scientist. It was discovered. 5.This is the ball. Jimmy scored three goals in the final game. He is now able to beat( 、敲打、跳 ) his uncle. He learned how to play chess. The book is enjoyed by adults as well as children. It was primarily( 主要 ) written. 8. There are still many things in our solar(太阳的 ) system. We know nothing. 二、 文回 :根据 文内容和首字母填空。 For most bands, they m


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