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元音 /i: / See the breeze ,Teasing the tree ,Weaving the leaves ,And shaking them free . /i/ Silly Billy ! Silly Billy !Silly Billy loves Lily. Why is Silly Billy silly? Why does Silly Billy love lily ?Silly Billy isn’t silly . /?:/ When the murmur and chirp of the early bird is first heard by the earthworm ,it squirms in the earth nervously . /?/ The bottom of the butter bucket is the buttered bucket bottom .“The bun is better buttered ,” Buffy muttered . /a:/ There are artful artists and awful artists. Although there are a lot of artful artists, awful artists occur often. /?/ Ducks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into the dark. /?:/ Tall Paul ate some awful corn sauce . /?/ Bob took a hot pot , but he overturned the pot and the hot water spattered on the floor . /u:/ Give two true tools to the troops. /u/ a?good?cook?could?cook?as?much?cookies?as?a?good?cook?who?could?cook?cookies? /e/ Eddie’s enemies envied Eddie’s energy , but Eddie never envied his enemies’ energy . /?/ A mad man says that Amanda has captured a fat panda . /ei/ The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain. /ai/ There is pie in my eye.Will I cry? Will I die?Though I am shy. I will not lie.It might cause a sty, but I deny that I will die or cry from the pie in my eye. /?i/ The spoiled boy lost his toy and made a lot of noise. /au/ The loudest hound in town bow-wowed at a mouse. /?u/ The oboe and cello sat alone, echoing tone for tone. /i?/ I shed tears for he shears my dear toy deers ear. /e?/ where is my tony bear.? /u?/ He lured the poor to lure the poorer 辅音 /p/ Peter’s plane is plainly painted .Peter is paid plenty to paint planes .Peter’s plane is plainly painted .Peter is paid plenty to paint planes . /b/ There dwelt a bear , also a boar .The bear could not bear the boar .The boar though the bear a bore. A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood. A big black bug bit a big black bear. Wheres the big black bear the big


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