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目录 Contents TOC \o "1-5" \h \z \o "Current Document" 一、 目的 Objective 2 \o "Current Document" 二、 编制依据 Compilation basis 2 三、 保温施工准备及工序 Insulation construction preparation and process. - 2 四、 岩棉保温施工程序 Insulation of mineral wool construction procedure. ??-.3 五、 pir/pur 玻璃纤维的保温施工程序 PIR/ PUR or cellular glass construction procedure 5 \o "Current Document" 六、 保冷发泡类施工程序 Foam up cold insulation method statement ??- .7 七、 施工质量及安全才昔施 Construction quality and safety measures. ??-..….???8 X 施工机具计戈。Construction equipment program 12 、目的 Objective 为保证EOEG管道设备的保温保冷工作的工程质量,特编制此方案。 This program is compiled to ensure the construction quality about insulation cold/heat work of EOEG piping. 本工程主要工作量如下:管线保温 87.75 m3,管线保冷32.19 m3,设备保温, 0.53 m3,设备保冷,8.36 m3 、编制依据 Compilation basis SP-8440-0000-6102 Specification for Hot Insulation SP-8440-0000-6103 Specification for Cold Insulation DEP ACOUSTIC INSULATION FOR PIPING CSPC 下发的施工用图 The construction drawings issued by CSPC 《工业设备及管道绝热工程及验收规范》 (GBJ126-89 ) The acceptance norms of Industrial equipment and pipe insulation works (GBJ126-89 ) 〈〈石油化工隔热工程施工工艺标准》(SH/73522-2003 ) Construction Technology for Petrochemical insulation standards (SH/73522-2003 ) 〈〈石油化工设备和管道隔热技术规范》 (SH/3010-2000 )" Insulation technical specifications for Oil-chemical equipment and pipe " (SH/3010-2000) 〈〈石油化工施工安全技术规程》 (SH3505-1999 ) The " construction safety technical regulations for oil-chemical industry " (SH3505-1999) 〈〈石油化工有毒,可燃介质管道工程施工及验收规范》 (SH3501-2002 ) "The acceptance norms of toxic, flammable medium about Petroleum and Chemical pipe construction " (SH3501-2002) 、 保温施工 准备及 工序 Construction preparation and process for Insulation 1、本装置保温工作作业时间短,合理利用施工时间是保证施工工期的关键。由于 工艺管道大部分在预制车间内预制,保温工作拟根据图纸进行提前下料。 The operating time of heat insulation is short, the reasonable use of working hours is the key to meeting the construction schedule. As the prefabrication of pipe is in the workshop, the insulation work to be carried out according to drawings in


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