Greeting and leaving etiquette跨文化交际入门.pdf

Greeting and leaving etiquette跨文化交际入门.pdf

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GGrreeeetitingng && LeavLeaviingng EtiEtiquequettette 问候告别礼仪 1 1 4 What is custom? 2 What is etiquette? How do people greet each other in 3 different countries? 4 What about their leaving behaviors? 2 1 What is custom? l Custom refers to a traditional and widely accepted way of behaving or doing something that is specific to a particular society, place, or time. 3 2 What is etiquette? l The word etiquette” comes from a French word ticket”. l Etiquette is a set of rules. l It means the formal rules of correct and polite behavior. 4 How do people greet each other in 3 different countries? A true story: The first time Mr. Engel worked in Japan, he went into the office every morning and his Japanese coworkers would ggrreeeett h himim wwitithh OOhhioio””.. HHee wwououlldd rreeppllyy NNo, Io, I mmff rroomm IIoowawa””.. Everyone would then look at him funny and go on about their business. He found out later that Ohio” is short for Ohio gozimasu” which means good morning in Japanese. 5 How do people greet each other in 3 different countries? l Greeting etiquette can create an opportunity to start a good relationship with the other party from the very bbeeggiinnnniingng.. l Here is more to the previous 9 countries. 有缘学习更多+谓ygd3076考证资料


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