1.1 遣词造句的意义.pdf

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Topic: Introduction Words:493 Designer: LyuTing Script: Notes Scripts Hello, everyone. My name is Helen. I have been the teacher of English for about ten years. Overthe years, students keep asking me the same question: How can I improve my English writing competence? The students who asked me this question usually have accumulated a big number of vocabularies, and they can write in English. But they feel hard to make progress any more. 【】 【】 1 PPT01-Slide 1 1 In orderto write well in another language, vocabularies may be the first thing we need, but may not the most important thing.This is similar to how we build a building. Vocabulary is to writing what brick is to building. What matters more is in which fashion the bricks are put together.Then, we need to know the “fashion” in English writing. 【】 2 We know language is the carrier of thinking. Different languages denote different ways of thinking, so do English and Chinese. When we Chinese write in English, we tend to be much influenced by the Chinese way of thinking, even unconsciously. As English language learners, overcoming such influence and following 【】 the English way of thinking may be our life-time struggle. 2 PPT01-Slide 2 【】 3 English way of thinking can be seen through English wording


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